Some of these are links to friends' pages and others are just nifty places I like to go to. ^_^ Please, have a look!
Black Angel: A Kudou Youji Shrine Another page done by YoujiK. Very pretty.
Handsome Fishes World of Slayers No relation to Noonsa the Fish Man. This is a cool site with stuff. Multimedia and Funny Pics are among my favorites.
This place has become pretty well known. It was even featured as a site of the week at the Anipike! And I'm proud to say I know her. ^o^
Sailor Moon, Slayers, Dragon Ball Z, and Outlaw Star image galleries as well as some animated gifs (some of which may look familair. ~_^).
AnimeArt where yours truly is featured. (Well, the Gieve Shrine is there. : P)
Heaven... Heh, I mean the Anime Webturnpike... Sometimes, it's hard to tell the difference, heh heh...
Talk about your nice intro into the world of Japanese popular music... This place is great! It has a search engine where you can find me! Err, my Fujii Fumiya page, that is.
This place is even greater than Bonsai's in that you can just wander around and look at stuff. Plus it has anime and video games in addition to music.
This place is really fun. This is who I use to run my shops BiGraffiti and Majean's Fan SHop. Ewan McGregor!! *_* ::sigh::
Official Eric Stuart HomePage Buy his CD! Buy his CD! Oh my gods, that man can sing! Don't know who Eric Stuart is? He does the voices of Brock and James from Pokemon, and Gourry from Slayers. And he can sing! Download the mp3 of "Staring You In The Face" and find out.
Lilac Memories -- Noir Fleurir website...with MP3s! Yes, it has mp3s. ^_^ I love this band, even though I don't know much about them. If you are a fan of visual kei, or Japanese music in general, give these guys (yes, they are guys) a shot!
Visual Kei Academy This place is one of those special little gems that one comes across every once in a while, stubbing your toe on the beach. Wonderful fun!!
Bow down before the almighty Legato-sama!! ^o^
If you want to link to my page, you can use this banner - if it works that is. Let me know if you can't see it! Pleeeeeaaase???
¡¦1998 majchan@yahoo.comSearch Engines and Shops
This place is sent to us from Heaven. *_* You can buy all kinds of JPop, JRock, Anime videos, posters, books... It's wonderful! And I'm an associate, which means if you click on this link then go buy something I get a little bit of that money. ^_^V
Kakkoi Peeji