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I finally succeeded in using this lake applet.

First, download the Lake Applet and store it in your disk or on desktop and unzip the file.

Make a temporary folder to store all the lake applet files on your desktop. Open one of the sample html.file in the "temp" folder, and "view its source." Rewrite the name of the image, its width and height to those of the photo you are going to use. Overwrite and store it as a HTML file with a different name in the temp folder.
Start FrontPage or Netscape Composer and edit this HTML file, adding wallpaper and sentence. Finally,overwrite this file.

Before uploading this new file to your website, make a subdirectory in your directory. Then name the subdirectory like "lakeapplet" or the other.Upload all the files in the temp folder to this new subdirectory.
As my explanation is not very good, please try and fail and succeed. My favorite motto is "Learning by Doing." To download the lake applet, click here.

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