To Random Jukebox.

1. Click Random Jukebox.

2.Please click T's JavaScript Laboratory.

3.Click Random Jukebox with a triangle at the top

4.Download jukebox-html.txt and save it as jukebox-html.htm  on your desktop.

5. Open the jukebox-html.htm  and view its source. Edit the red part.
Rewrite the to your own directory where midi files are stored. (e.g.,

Write in your own midis' names and their length(seconds) . (e.g.,"insensatez", "217" ,"unchainedmelody", "226", "secretlove" ,"275") Done!!  If you add more midi files, just add " ,   "midi's name " ,"   and "its length"
Look at the source of my Random Jukebox. There are more than 30 midi files!! 

Good  luck!!

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