that these definitions are not official. They are my opinion, of course a lot of information I got from Dave Deitrich from Macross Mecha Designshttp and Macross Online Compendium, Macross RPG, Robotech RPG, Daniel Henwood, Jack McKinney’s Robotech Novels, Super Dimensional Fortress Macross, Robotech, Macross II, Macross Plus, Macross 7
M= Macross (either from official Kawamari universe or alternative Macross II)
R=Robotech (from Robotech and McKinnneyist)
Alpha Fighter-R: created by Dr. Emil Lang. It is the successor to the VF Veritech
Alus- Macross II: Among the Marduk, the legendary fortress with the power to save the world.
Army of the Southern Cross-R: Army led by Anatole Learnard which siezed power from the RDF. They led the war agains the Robotech Masters but were decimated because they refused to negotiate peace.
Attila- the Protoculture city established on Earth to wait till the return of the Protoculture
BATTLOID: Humanoid Mecha configuration allowing for hand to hand combat with Zentraedi and other mecha. A technological extension of human abilities.
Beta Fighter-R: a fighter which be a module for the alpha fighter.
Boturos-R: Khryon’s brigade
Cloning- using small amount of genetic material to reproduce a full sized creature. This allows for rapid repopulation. After the first Space war the cloning project to repopulate the Earth with people, plants and animals faciliated until 2030.
Cyclone-R: transformable motorcycle which turns into power armor
Destroids: not as mobile as variable fighters. They use some of the advanced weaponry. They have heavy fire power and defend land surfaces and the ship.
Daedalus manuever- Attack maneuver ingeniusly developed by Misa/ Lisa: using the pin point barrier combined on the armour carrier Daedalus and ramming it into an enemy, then the carrier is open to allowing the destroids to release tremendous fire power inside the enemy craft.
DYRL- the Macross movie released in 1984, Macross: Do You Remember Love. It condences the story of Macross. The events do not correspond to the television series, and in the Macross movie it is considered a movie within a movie.
Eden-M: one of the first colonies. Edwards Bases is located here where project Super Nova was conducted.
Emulator: Macross II: A Marduk songstress who uses her voice as a mind control over Zentraedi troops.
Esbeliben Regult- Zentraedi tactical Battlepod
Esbeliben Raulon’ve- Zentraedi Fighter pod
Eve: onboard computer which creates the simulated sky aboard the SDF-1.
Factory Satellite: after the First space war held by Commander Reno of the Zentraedi. By capturing it, UNSPACY was able to rapidly build more mecha.
Fatoma-R: Large Planet where the Zentraedi mined for ore before they were turned into a warrior race. Tirol is its moon.
FIGHTER: Mecha configuration similar to convention airplanes.
Flower of Life: stolen from the Invid, the flower of life was developed by the Zor in order to create an energy form called Protoculture. With Protoculture came advanced weaponry and cloned slaves.
Fold Drives- was developed by the race of Protocultures in the field of spcae travel. Causes a small curtain in the galaxy to open that leads into Hyperspace where distance is shorter.
GERWALK: Ground effective Reinforcement of Winged Armament with Locomotive Knee Joint. Also known a Guardian mode in Robotech. It is the intermediary mecha configuarion between battloid and fighter.
Guardian mode: see GERWALK
Imperial fleet: Fleet commanded by breetai with one million ships. Ultimately this fleet defected on the side of the SDF-1 and destroyed the Dolza’s fleet.
Imperitive- R: The Zentraedi instinct of fighting.
Invid-R: alien invaders shortly after the Robotech Master’s defeat. They subsist on the Flowers of life. Their invasion is successful and they enslave the human populations.
Jack Mckinney- R: author of the Robotech novel series. He wrote some 21 books based on the series. The first novels chronicling the series follows almost to the T, with a few additions. The books are extrememly popular and can be found at most bookstores.
Kawamori, Shoji- the mind behind Macross, brought the concept of the transformable battle ship. Involved in all of the Macross series except Macross II.
Kiss- human form of affection by pressing lips together. Also a diversionary tactic used against Zentraedi
Lampramiz: in DYRL the Supreme Cammander of the Meltrandi
Macek, Carl- the guy who brought Macross to the United States, combined it with two other animation series to produce Robotech (still getting more information)
Macross: Island in the Pacific. Also the name of the Super Dimensional Fortress.
Marduk- Macross II: a humanoid race who enslave the Zentraedi
Mars Base Sara-
MBS- Macross Broadcasting Channel
Mecha: mechanized machinery
Megaroad 01- see SDF-02
Meltran- female Zentraedi
Meltrandi: the female Zentraedi. Until the 1st Space War, Meltrandi lived separate from their male counterparts and were cloned. They are genetically engineered to be more intelligent and cunning than Zentraedi. Most females form elite units.
Micronian- Zentraedi term for human, small
Micron: Micronized Zentraedi. Human sized Zentraedi
Micronization- The Zentraedi process of reducing size to human scale
Mikimoto- another creator of Macross (still getting more information)
Moon Base Aluce
New Macross- city buld around SDF-1 after first space war
Nosjaedul-ger Powered Armor- male powered body armor. Allows ful dexterity, better for mining work
Omni-Directional barrier- creates a ful shield surround a vessel. Under heaby attack it is prone to overload.
Petite Cola- the official drink in Macross.
Pin Point Barrier Defense System- PBDS generates four 200 ft disc shaped forcefields which intercept attacks from enemies. It protects key components of the ship.
Project Super Nova- design contest on planet Eden to replace VF-11 Thunderbolt. The two prototypes were the YF-19 and YF-21
Protoculture: 1. M: a. Race of humanoid beings who created the Zentraedi and manipulated humans so they would be a sub race. b. any activity not involving war, i.e. music, singing, or love. 2. R: the dicovery of the Tiolian scientist Zor.. It is synthesized from the flower of life. Only Zor knows the secrets of synthesizing the Flower into Protolture
Protoculture chamber- R: the Zentraedi sizing chamber
Protoculture Matrix-R: supposedly hidden inside the SDF-1 or Zor’s battleship. It is the last remainder of Protoculture that the Robotech Masters are seeking.
Protodevlin: Super Zentraedi created by Protocultures who thrive on the Spritia of living beings
Quadronos-R: All female fighting units using the Female Powered Body Armor
Quaedlunn-rau Powered Armor- also Quadrono Rae female powered body armor
RDF- R: Robotech Defense Force. The group of elite pilots and officers who defend the Earth against alienInvaders
REF- R: Robotech Expeditionary Force. The group of elite pilots who set out on a mission of diplomacy with the Robotech Masters
Reflex point-R: central headquarters for the Invid on Earth.
Regent-R: Male Invid leader
Regis-R: female Invid leader
Renegade Power Armour- used by Anti-UN Rebels, they are re-worked version of the Zentraedi Male Power Armour
Rioquonmi Glaug- Zentraedi officer’s pod
Robotechnology- R: Advanced technology developed from the discovery of the SDF-1. It includes transfomable mecha, spacehold technology and micronization
Robotech Masters- R: The creators of Zentraedi. They are a humanoid race who conquer large parts of the galaxy with the aid of their cloned warriors. They come to Earth in search of Zor’s battleship.
RPG- Role Playing Game
SDF-1- Super Dimensional Fortress 1. An alien ship which crash landed on Earth ending the global civil war. It contained many technological marvels which advanced human technology but also brought the arrival of the Zentraedi.
SDF-02- Megaroad 01, the first colonial ship, far bigger than the SDF-1
Sizing Chamber- The sizing chamber baths the Zentraedi in radiation which activates their genetically tailored gene’s which allow them to change size. Using the chamber they can grow or shrink from human size to over 50 feet.
Skull Squadron: Team lead by Commander Roy Fokker, then Rick Hunter, then Max Sterling. They are an elite team of fighters.
Song- combination of harmonious sounds using instruments and voices. Also a diversionary tactic used against Zentraedi and Protodevlin
Spritia- soul energy which can be revitalized by song.
Sentinels- R: the rag tag band of rebels from the Invid who seek to liberate their planets.
Sharon Apple- Macross Plus: 2040, the most popular pop star of the galaxy, also an artificial intelligence. During her performace during the 30th year armistice, she takes over Macross City and the Earth Defenses.
Slug- R: Invid mecha
Shock trooper- R: Invid mecha
Super Dimensional Fortress Macross- Alien spaceship which crash lands on Earth in 1999. Name of television show which aired in Japan during the early eighties.
Terran- inhabitant of Earth; human
Thinking Cap-R: McKinney in the Robotech novels describes the helmet used by Veritech pilots as a thinking cap. It enables the pilot to use their mind to manipulate the mecha through complex manuevers.
Tirol-R: satellite around the massive Fantoma Planet. It is the home of the Robotech Masters.
Tirolians- R: humanoid citizens of Tirol
United Earth Council-R: they seized power in and were a military government during the first space war. They refused the repatriation of the 70,000 civilians aboard the SDF-1 and sent it out as a decoy.
Unity Government: also known as United Nations Government Government established after arrival of Alien Space Ship landing on Macross Island. Division of forces: United Nations Spacy, United Nations Navy, United Nations Air Force/ United Nations Space Air Force, United Nations Space Marines, Special Space Service
Valkyrie- the variable fighters.
Variable Fighter: A transforming fighter craft used by the United Nations Government. It has three modes of operation: fighter, GERWALK, and Battloid. The craft is extrememly versitle with this deadly combination. The first design began January 2002, it was adopted in 2007. This versatility proved effective against the masses of Zentraedi battle pods.
Varuta: slave warrior of the Protodevlin . They are deprived of their Spiritia by Protodevlin and forced to fitht for them.
Veritech- R: see variable fighter
none at this time
Zentran- male Zentraedi
Zentraedi: 1.Humanoid aliens averaging over 50 ft in height. Their entire culture is war and they were created by Protoculture (Robotech Masters for those Robotech fans) for conquest. They rebel against their masters and conquer civilizations throughout the galaxy. 2. Male Zentraedi
Zor- R: the genius scientist who built the SDF-1, discovered the Protoculture, and started the whole Robotech business. He rebelled against the Robotech Masters and hid the Space Fortress on Earth.
Zor’s fortress- R: The Super Dimensional Fortress
Anime- Japanese animation, usually it is stylized. Anime comes in many forms, some for children, some contain more adult themes. Anime can be really cute or contain gratuitous violence and sexual content. Even the children’s anime has more complex themes than American cartoons.
Dubbed- English dialogue replaces the Japanese.
Fandubbed- Fans who take it upon themselves to dub over voices. I’d only watch these for fun, not to really enjoy the material.
Fansubbed- Anime not released in English usually is translated and subtitled by fans who want to propagate the art. Sometimes the fansubbing can be done really professional, other times it can contain many typos and poor grammar. Fan subbing is not for profit, but is done by fans for fans.
Graphic Novel: a book of comics, usually they are compiled. Also can be known as Manga.
Hentai: keep the kids away from this. This is dirty anime or manga. For the perverts out there.
Idol singer- the pop singer who everyone loves, i.e. Lynn Minmei
Mecha- mechanized armor. Robots, machinery, usually humanoid. <<This is not an exact definition>>
Manga- Japanese Print, kinda like comics
OAV- Original Animation video
OST- Original Sound track
Otaku- Japanese term meaning "you." It has many connotations including "nerd," "geek," and someone who obsesses over anime. In America, anime fans wear the term with pride.
Subtititled- original Japanese dialogue is kept, and english translation is provided either at the top or bottom of screen.
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This site is not meant for profit. Its only purpose is to promote MACROSS and ROBOTECH. All images and characters are owned by their respective holders. This is only to get you psyched and seek out the stuff. Its out there folks, on the web, in role player games, in video games, on the Cartoon Network, KTEH in the bay area, in the many sequels.
get your own webpage.