1st Place: Web pages in this category are part of a very small elite group... It is EXTREMELY DIFFICULT to win the 1st place Explorer525600 Excellence award. These Sailor Moon pages are excellent (hence the name of the award) and I strongly recommend taking a moment to visit!
[View 1998 Award] [View 1999 Award]
2nd Place: This category consits of pages I consider to be good. I'll be the first to admit I have a very difficult grading system and a majority of pages won't achieve 2nd place Explorer525600 Excellence Award statis. It is a big deal to receive this award.
[View 1998 Award] [View 1999 Award]
3rd Place: 3rd Place Explorer525600 Excellence Award winners have a decent page that's easy to understand and navigate. Keep an eye on these pages as they continue to improve and climb up the ranks.
[View 1998 Award] [View 1999 Award]
Apply for The Explorer525600 Excellence Award
The Explorer525600 Excellence Award is intended to honor those Sailor Moon websites that have really great picture galleries. What I'm looking for is a wide selection of fast loading galleries that use thumbnails... I just can't stand clicking descriptions of the picture! I'm positive I'm not the only one out there. To be fair I am NOT limiting this award to only those who have picture galleries. I appreciate a good overall page too... one that has good comments, neat layout, and qwirky ideas...
There are three different awards based on how well of a presentation your webpage makes. If you would like to be considered for The Explorer525600 Excellence Award fill out the form below. The page must be about Sailor Moon and/or any of the characters related to the series.
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