A Sailor Scout Collection
Personal Favorites, Useful Resources, Excellent Image Galleries...
Rei Hino’s Heart of Fire is designed to provide a large range of pictures and other useful resources. However, I am aware this web site is limited in some areas including outer senshi profiles and pictures, episode summaries, sound bites, and video clips amongst other things.

Although I don’t frequently surf the net, I have been able to find several Sailor Moon web sites that compliment my own. Some of these pages have won the first place Explorer525600 Excellence Award. I’m sure you’ll enjoy them as much as I did…


Bianca's Sailor Moon Gallery Image Gallery
This is one of the largest and best Sailor Moon image galleries on the net. All the pictures showcased make use of thumnails, load extremely fast, and are divided according to character and season.

Janice's Transparent Gif Gift Shop Transparent Image Gallery
This is a great site for Sailor Moon webmasters interested in creating new and personal images. There is a wide selection of pictures (Janice claims to have over 2,200) ranging from inner senshi to villians. A must see.

The Mirror's Reflection Image Gallery
A great collection of Sailor Scout pictures. The simple and straight forward design makes viewing fast, easy, and enjoyable. (Currently this page is under massive re-construction; access is unlikely any time soon.)

Sailor Moon Top Twenty Sailor Moon Index
An extensive complilation of Sailor Moon pages arranged according to character and web site activities. The page is well organized and simple to navigate.

Sailor Moon Nexus Sailor Moon Index
A good collection of Sailor Moon web pages; particularly useful for finding shrines. Stay away from the Information and Picture listings because they're ordered haphazardly and very confusing.

Guardian Princess Mars Palace Sailor Mars Shrine
One of the better Sailor Mars Shrines I've come across. Simple navigation and clean-cut design make this one a winner.

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