Mars Memories
A Progress Journal, Message Board, and History of Events...
- January 22, 2005
Made some minor cosmetic changes.
- January 20, 2005
It's been years since I last checked this site. Removed the "favorite sailor scout" voting booth since the outside service is no longer being offered. Updated the guestbook HTML codes so it's functional again and for kicks I re-designed the sign and view thumbnails. Sign the book and leave a message but please don't mark it as private since I've forgotten my user name and password. Again, it's been years. For the record, there have been 40,799 hits since this site launched on April 17, 1998.
- December 19, 2003
Another random visit. Made minor changes to the background image so that text is presentable on both a 15" and 17" screen. Removed the web counter and link to "Eight Best Sailor Sites" (see February 17, 2000 entry) from the main page since neither has worked for years. Finally, the guestbook is unreliable and the voting booth for your favorite sailor scout no longer works. However, both will remain on the site for visual purposes.
- March 30, 2003
Randomly decided to stop by and check out my old site. Honestly can't believe how much time I invested designing and programing this fan page. For those of you who care, this site was created entirely using handwritten code. Bascially, I taught myself HTML by trial and error and typed the program in one character at a time. There are easier ways to fashion webpages but at the time I created this site I felt it was important to understand the mechanics of programming. Anyway, the site still works well with the exception of a few broken links. Though I've long forgotten about this project, amazingly Rei Hino's Heart of Fire continues to register a dozen hits daily. For the record there have been over 38,000 hits since this site opened almost five years ago on April 17, 1998.
- January 21, 2001
I've decided to close this web page for personal reasons but instead of erasing what took me years to create and re-create, I've decided to redesign this site so that it will be self-sufficient. In other words, I will be removing anything that requires constant updating. This will mainly affect the award section. As of today I will no longer be accepting applications for The Explorer525600 Excellence Award nor will I be accepting awards for Rei Hino's Heart of Fire. In the coming weeks I will be making several modifications in order to prepare for self-sufficency. For the record there have been 19,825 visitors since April 17, 1998 according to the BeSeen counter. Thank you for your support throughout the years. It's been fun.
- December 5, 2000
Sailor Mars Image Gallery 19 has been added. Also, a new banner has been designed to help promote this site.
- August 26, 2000
Sailor Mars Image Gallery 18 has been added.
- August 21, 2000
Back from summer break. Applications for the Explorer525600 Excellence Award should be processed within the next two weeks. Thanks for your patience. For the record, there have been 17,366 visitors since April 17, 1998 according to the BeSeen Counter.
- May 2, 2000
Gone for the summer. I won't be able to process applications for the Explorer525600 Excellence Award until early September.
- April 17, 2000
Second year anniversary! There have been 15,227 visitors.
- April 14, 2000
The profile menu page has been redesigned.
- March 28, 2000
I've deleted the profile commentaries. It's been years since they've been updated and I don't care to do it in the future.
- March 27, 2000
Neptune and Uranis profiles and picture galleries have been added.
- March 26, 2000
I've added a short introduction to the main page. It's something I should have done a long time ago when I first launched this site.
- March 25, 2000
The award winners' page was getting lengthy so I divded it.
- February 17, 2000
I've added a Eight Best Sailor Sites page thanks to If you have a Sailor Scout web page please join the friendly competition.
- January 29, 2000
The Explorer525600 Excellence Awards for the year 2000 are finished... Apply today!
- January 27, 2000
Because of my great dissatisfaction with LE Fastcounter, (It never says the right number) I’ve decided to scrap it for a newer BeSeen Hit Counter. Hopefully it’ll do a better job. I’ve started the counter off at 12587, the number of hits this web page has received since April 17, 1998 according to the Extreme Tracking System.
- December 16, 1999
I will not be able to update Rei Hino's Heart of Fire until the middle of January. If you place an application in for the Explorer525600 Excellence Award, it make take a few weeks for me to respond. Sorry for any inconviences.
- December 8, 1999
The Guestbook sign-in page was redesigned to appear more like the rest of Rei Hino's Heart of Fire.
- December 4, 1999
The background image was altered slightly because of the difficulty in reading font. (I've limited the gray scale explosion around Rei's head to one inch of the background). Also, some very minor changes were made in the text throughout the page.
- November 21, 1999
The links page was redesigned. The collection of links is now more selective and lists only the best Sailor Moon webpages. A short description is included with each link. In other news, A new black and white background image was designed.
- November 16, 1999
A second banner for Rei Hino's Heart of Fire was created. To view the banner please click here. Also, some of the Sailor Scout commentaries were edited slightly but not enough to notice.
- October 29, 1999
A new picture gallery showcasing my ten favorite Sailor Mars images was added to the gallery menu. On a side note, I have been experiencing difficulty with the LE Fastcounter. According to the more dependable Extreme Tracking system, there have been at least 8862 visitors since April 17, 1998. Finally, I noticed today Yahoo! Geocities has given me an extra four megabites of web space; My total is now fifteen megs.
- August 29, 1999
I arrived back on campus today. Some forty-five applications for The Explorer525600 Excellence Award were waiting in my mailbox. I hope to review the webpages and have the winners posted within the next two weeks. Sailor Mars Image Gallery 16 was added.
- May 10, 1999
Sailor Mars Image Galleries 13, 14 and 15 have been added.
- April 30, 1999
I will not be able to update Rei Hino's Heart of Fire until early September. If you place an application in for the Explorer525600 Excellence Award, it make take 4-6 weeks for me to respond. Sorry for any inconviences.
- April 17, 1999
For the record, Rei Hino's Heart of Fire registered 5038 hits on the LE Fastcounter during its first year.
- April 14, 1999
Finding Rei Hino's Heart of Fire just got easier. Simply type
- April 13, 1999
To make navigation slightly easier, I've added color-changing links.
- April 10, 1999
Anticipating the first year anniversary of Rei Hino's Heart of Fire, I have been hard at work updating the format and general design of my webpage for a run at another successful year. In general, I am directing this webpage towards a more sophisticated look that stresses simplicity and organization. The redeveloped main page, the all-new 1999 Explorer525600 Excellence Awards, the simplified awards list, and the significant decrease in font size are just several changes that I hope will make the visit to Rei Hino's Heart of Fire a bit more entertaining.
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