
Please choose one of these banners to post on your webpage! ^^ You are allowed to create your own banner provided that you send it to me for approval. Don't worry about being rejected, I'll most likely accept anything except really really H banners. (I mean, come on, guys...some of the FY fans are only 13! ^^;;;) The URLs for each banner are below each respective pic. ^^ Just copy and paste the codes, make sure that you add < > to the end of each URL, and voila - instant banner!

This SNFC button was created by the talented Tenmei Kitsune! WAI! This is just too pretty! I love this button a lot. Arigatou, Tenmei-san! *bows fervently*
a href=""
img src="//"

This banner was created by Ryuuen no Miko! This banner is just a smaller version of the one on the front page. Kawaii, ne? ^.~
a href=""
img src="//"

This banner was created by myself! I love purple, can you tell? ^.^
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This banner was created by Giullia! In case, you're wondering about the background, it's supposed to be a bunch of eyes peeking out at Nuri-chan.
a href=""
img src="//"

This banner was also created by me. *grins* I love this piccy. ^.~
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img src="//"

This banner was created by Myrna-chan! WAII! Arigatou!
a href=""
img src="//"

This banner was created by Tenmei Kitsune-san! WAI! Isn't it so pretty? *drools* I just love the colours! ^^
a href=""
img src="//"

This banner was also created by Tenmei Kitsune-san, and is also equally gorgeous. ^^ I don't know why Tenmei thinks her banners are odd-looking. They are far from it, ne? ^0^
a href=""
img src="//"

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