Thanks and CreditsThanks & Credits

I would like to thank the following people for their help:

  • Kay Chang for scanning almost all of the pics in the 2 galleries. (Kay, what would I have done without you? *glomps*)
  • Ryuuen no Miko for making the title banner, providing the background .jpg, creating the guestbook .jpg, and making me a bunch of header images. (I didn't end up using the headers and guestbook .jpgs, RnM, gomen! But thank you so much for making them! ^^)
  • Thea for volunteering to help me with images and the SNFC.
  • Kourin for her suggestions.
  • Kichiri, Divon, and Ranay for their encouragement.
  • All the people who have constantly bugged *ahem* I mean, inspired me to work on the SNFC.
  • Lastly, all the Nuriko fans who have come to this page! Thanks a lot, minna!

    Standard disclaimers apply. I do not own Nuriko and he is the rightful property of Watase Yuu, Flower Comics, and Studio Pierrot. All the fanart on this page are copyright to their respective artists. Please do not take any images without asking them for their permission. Lastly, please do not reproduce any pictures or pages from the SNFC. I have put A LOT of work into this site and if I find out you took stuff from this website without crediting the SNFC, I will make your website the meal of The Four Gods. Sorry, but scamming someone else's hard work is just LOW.

    Lastly, I know my HTMLing skills are nothing compared to Confuzcius' The Nuriko Fanclub but I hope you enjoyed your stay at the SNFC! Please come again!

    Take care!
    Ritz *SNFC President*

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