Genetic Codes of Gerbil Kennel
Black Beauty was born 3/30/2003.
Selene was born 1/26/2003 and she died on December 4th, 2006.
Pepper and Caramel were born May 20th, 2005. Out of Skip by TJ.
Surprise was probably born just before October, 2004.
Her son Slim was born February 25th, 2006.
And Pepper's litter of pups with Siamese Han-chan was born 11/29/2006!
"In cage number one we have..." We have two gorgeous, neutered Siamese males named Fred and Barney. Fred has a white mark on his left front paw, Barney one on his right. Sadly, their half-sister died December 4th. But they may get to live with their nieces!
Beneath them is a cage with two kinfolk. Their Siamese nephew Slim and TJ's son Caramel, a Dark Eyed Honey. Those guys are also adorable and beautiful. They're split-caged because Slim is the tougher and more violent, and have as yet not accepted each other.
The third cage is the three brothers. Out of Pepper by Han-chan, born 11/29, 2006. The three are one black, one spotted black and one dove.
The fourth cage contains Pepper the Spotted Nutmeg and her two daughters, a spotted black and a spotted dove.
There are a few people in Japan who really know about gerbils (and yes, they ARE Japanese), and I've added a link or two to some homepages in the links section. There are surely more, but these guys speak English, too. Yes, I take my gerbils to classes, especially the kids classes. I show how to handle and pet them, I answer any questions I can. This is complicated by their limited English and my limited Japanese. Here are the first three questions I almost always get asked: "Are those hamsters?" No. "Are they mice?" No. "Are they... hedgehogs?" That's reaching, but these folks really have limited experience. Gerbil, by the way, is a tough word to say with a Japanese accent. The closest you usually get is "jah-bah", which is acceptable.
スナネズミ(ジャビル/ジャーブル(Gerbils))は、小さいげっ歯類動物で、多くは茶褐色で腹側が白い。中央アジア、インド、中東、及び、アフリカで発見される。ペットとして飼育されるモンゴリアンジャビルは、ラテン語名をMeriones unguiculatusといい、その意味は小さい爪の戦士(Little Clawed Warrior)である。Gerbilsは、特に夜行性というわけではなく、日中も夜も活動的である。
Gerbilsを飼うなら、2匹が適当である。Gerbilsは、非常に社会的な動物なので、単独では元気がない状態になる。繁殖させたい場合以外は、 なるべく同時に生まれた群から雌同士または雄同士の2匹が良い。
2匹用の飼育箱としては、35〜40リットル程度の水槽が、大きさも値段も手頃であろう。 ふたについて???
食物 :
一般に、 斑点のあるスナネズミ同士のカップルは、繁殖には不向きである。約1/4は生きて生まれず、他のものは、これは、斑点のあるスナネズミが同じ遺伝子の多くを持ち過ぎているからである。
今まで、犬やネコを飼いたいと子供達に何度もいわれてきましたが、その度に「だ め!」といってきました。というのは、我家が、洋品店ということもあり、動物の毛が、洋服については、大変だったからです。その点、ジャーブルは、ガラスのケースで飼うことができ、毛がとぶ心配もなく我家にとっては、ぴったりのペットといえます。飼ってみるとジャーブルは、人なつっこい動物です。手のひらにのせた時の柔らかさや、ぬくもりは、とても心地よく安らかな気持ちにさせてくれます。 ケースの中の彼等の様子もとっても愛嬌があります。2匹でじゃれあっているところや眠っているところをみているだけでも飽きません。毎日の世話は、小学3年の息子がやっています。このことは、ジャーブルをジル先生からもらう時の約束でしたのでひとりでなんでもやっていますし、できます。ただ寝床の牧草をかえる時は、息子とのコミュニケーションをとる意味でも一緒にやっています。始めてペットを飼うお子さんにもとっても飼いやすい動物です。ペットに一押しのジャブルですよ。 皆さんにも、ジャーブルのぬくもりを感じて欲しいと思います。(母、海老原ひとみ)
Name | DOB | Sex | Genetics |
Spike | N/A | M | AaCcheeG-PpSpsp |
Buffy | N/A | F | aaCCEeG-ppspsp |
Litter ID# | DOB | Genetics | # of F/M | Remarks | |
1 | 5/6/02 | AaCcheeG-PpSpsp | 1 | Honey Cream | |
1 | 5/6/02 | AaCCEeG-ppSpsp | 1 | Argente | |
1 | 5/6/02 | AaC-EeG-Ppspsp | 2 | Agouti | |
2 | 6/11/02 | aaCCeeG-PpSpsp | 1 | Nutmeg "Diamond" | |
2 | 6/11/02 | AaC-EeG-PpSpsp | 1 | Agouti "Spot" | |
3 | 7/12/02 | AaCCEeG-ppspsp | 1 | Argente "Akiko" | |
3 | 7/12/02 | aaCCEeG-ppSpsp | 1 | Lilac "Haruko" | |
4 | 8/11/02 | AaCcheeG-PpSpsp | Honey Cream | ||
4 | 8/11/02 | AaCCEeG-ppspsp | Argente | ||
4 | 8/11/02 | aaCCEeGGPPspsp | 1 | Black | |
4 | 8/11/02 | aaCCEeGGPPspsp | 1 | Black | |
4 | 8/11/02 | aaCCeeG-Ppspsp | 1 | Nutmeg | |
4 | 8/11/02 | aaCCeeG-Ppspsp | 1 | Nutmeg | |
4 | 8/11/02 | -aCCeeG-PpSpsp | 1 | DEH or Nutmeg (new owner & I forgot) | |
4 | 8/11/02 | aaCCEeG-ppspsp | 1 | Lilac | |
5 | 9/16/02 | AaC-EeG-PpSpsp | 1 | Agouti | |
5 | 9/16/02 | AaC-EeG-Ppspsp | 1 | Agouti | |
5 | 9/16/02 | AaCcheeG-PpSpsp | 1 | Honey Cream | |
5 | 9/16/02 | AaCCEeG-ppspsp | 1 | Argente | |
5 | 9/16/02 | AaCCEeG-ppspsp | 1 | Argente | |
5 | 9/16/02 | AaCCeeG-ppspsp | 1 | Lilac | |
5 | 9/16/02 | AaCCeeG-ppspsp | 1 | Lilac | |
6 | 10/23/02 | AaCcheeG-PpSpsp | 1 | Honey Cream | |
6 | 10/23/02 | AaCCeeG-ppspsp | 1 | Lilac | |
6 | 10/23/02 | AaCCEeG-ppspsp | 1 | Argente | |
6 | 10/23/02 | AaC-EeG-PpSpsp | 1 | Agouti | |
6 | 10/23/02 | AaCCeeG-Ppspsp | 1 | DEH | |
6 | 10/23/02 | AaCcheeG-ppSpsp | 1 | Light Spotted Yellow Fox "His Paleness" | |
7 | 01/13/03 | AaCCEeG-ppspsp | 1 | Lilac | |
7 | 01/13/03 | AaCcheeG-ppSpsp | 1 | Light Spotted Yellow Fox | |
7 | 01/13/03 | AaCCEeG-ppspsp | 1 | Argente? | |
7 | 01/13/03 | AaC-EeG-PpSpsp | 1 | Agouti | |
7 | 01/13/03 | AaC-EeG-Ppspsp | 1 | Agouti "Princess!" | |
7 | 01/13/03 | -aCCeeG-Ppspsp | 1 | Nutmeg? DEH? |
Name | DOB | Sex | Genetics |
Spike | N/A | M | AaCcheeG-PpSpsp |
Scheherazade | N/A | F | aacbcbE-G-PPspsp |
Litter ID# | DOB | Genetics | # of F/M | Remarks | |
1 | 1/26/2003 | AaCcbEeG-P-Spsp | 1 | White-strip on nose | |
1 | 1/26/2003 | AaCcbEeG-P-Spsp | 1 | ||
1 | 1/26/2003 | aaCcbEeG-P-Spsp | 1 | small patch on back | |
1 | 1/26/2003 | aaCcbEeG-P-Spsp | 1 | ||
1 | 1/26/2003 | AaCcbEeG-P-spsp | 1 | "Winter Girl" | |
1 | 1/26/2003 | aaCcbEeG-P-spsp | 1 |
Name | DOB | Sex | Genetics |
TJ | 10/23/2002 | M | AaCcheeG-ppSpsp |
Skip | N/A | F | AaCCeeG-PPspsp |
Litter ID# | DOB | Genetics | # of F/M | Remarks | |
The kids were Nutmegs, Honey Creams and DEH. The Nutmegs are either aaCCDDeeGGPp or aaCchDDeeGGPp. The Honey Creams, AACchDDeeGGPp or AaCchDDeeGGPp. The DEH were AACCDDeeGGPp or AaCCDDeeGGPp. | |||||
Name | DOB | Sex | Genetics |
Han-chan | Possibly as late as May 30, 2003 | M | aachcbE-GGPp |
Pepper | May 20th, 2005 | F | aaCCDDeeGGPp or aaCchDDeeGGPp |
Litter ID# | DOB | Genetics | # of F/M | Remarks | |
November 29th, 2006 | |||||
Name | DOB | Sex | Genetics |
Sebastian | N/A | M | white, pink skin, red eyes |
Princess | N/A | F | AaC-EeG-Ppspsp |
Litter ID# | DOB | Genetics | # of F/M | Remarks | |
1 | 3/30/2003 | aaCchE-G-ppspsp | Dove | ||
1 | 3/30/2003 | aaCchE-G-ppspsp | Dove | ||
1 | 3/30/2003 | AaCchE-G-ppspsp | Argente Cream | ||
1 | 3/30/2003 | aaCchE-G-Ppspsp | Black | ||
1 | 3/30/2003 | aaCchE-G-Ppspsp | Black | ||
I've decided to add some links to a few great gerbil sites I know. As you might expect, they are all linked to each other. It's really great!
Suna Nezumi
A site in Japanese, by a Japanese, about gerbils! (even has an English portion)
Dani Clan Homepage!
When my site grows up I want it to be quite like that!
Gerbils: You know you want some.
Now this is a man who gives his kids a fun home!
A hilarious and great links page!