This space is dedicated to Kwan Suk E Shirley, Hong Kong pop singer. However due to time issue, this site is unavailable yet. Please visit later. However, this page would be made mainly in Chinese. Please accomodate for the inconvenience caused.

由 於 技 術 問 題 和 時 間 關 係 , [ 難 得 有 關 淑 怡 ] 網 頁 暫 時 不 能 和 大 家 見 面 。 我會放些她的音樂,請告訴我你們喜歡ra 還是mp3。請 遲 D 來 過 。

寶記終于出了扣留以久的e-zone ep喇,希望shirley快點簽新公司喇!

Click the title of the song to listen to "infection" (傳 染). Many thanx to a friend Jo Jo to have recorded it!! ^_^
shirley in a cab

Created: May 22, 1997 Last Modified: Jan 29, 1998 ^_^

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