Andrew loves Kate

Could I be your Juliette?

Would you be my Jack?

This portion of my page is dedicated to my fiancee, Andrew. We met at college, started dating, and fell in love. Now were're engaged, and every moment with him keeps getting better than the next. We're two halves of the same soul.

we met: In design 100 the first week of classes.
we started dating: October 31st, 1997
our first date: A Halloween party downtown
our song: Was turn my head by Live, its now I will come to you by Hanson.
our restaurant: The Bostonian
our food: Bostonian Pizza
our television show: Buffy the Vampire Slayer, its a Monday night ritual
our cartoon: Earthworm Jim
our movie: What else, Titanic, we've seen it three times.
our bear of choice: Pooh
our pastime: cuddleing
our saying: I love you

"Gravity isn't responsible for people falling in love"
-Albert Einstein-

The best love begins as friendship

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