WOW hey look I have acutally done something recently!Chibi's picture page was updated on September 15th 1999. I am, hopefully, going to get all of my images galleries to look like that. it's another method that makes things easier to get to.
I added my new qizzes "Brain Twisters" to the side bar. (or most of them anyway ^_^) September 18th 1999

I have updated my Darian (Darien) image gallery 10/8/99

I have updated my Jupiter Image gallery 10/12/99

I have updated my Mars Image gallery 10/15/99

I have updated the following image galleries today
Mina's gallery, Haruka's gallery, Michiru's gallery 10/17/99

I have updated my Setsuna Gallery 11/8/99

I have, recently, been doing a lot of little things around the page.I finally got internet explorer 5.0, and am now able to take my page to the fullest extent of it's potential (laymans terms: I can make the page really kewl ^_^) always look out for the little things.C-ya later Last update 11/26/99

11/28/99 I added a cute little Christmas Carol Quiz feel free to check it out

I have Updated my Sailor Moon Image Gallery 11/30/99

I finally got around to making some backgrounds! go check them out New Backgrounds!12/7/99

December 20, I learned and applyed image maps to the main Image Index

December 22, 1999 I finally found the time to finish my Rini Gallery

Hey Long time, no update! Oops Sorry. 1/15/00, I finally got the Stars transformations up in their profiles, if you would like to take a look

1/15/00, I Added a New Game Sailor Scoutrs HangMan (it's not really hangman, but the same concept)^_^

2/16/00 Sorry it took so long too get to this, but I just recently got a new job, and I've been buisy. I updated my Couples Page. I have been corrected on it, and for those of you who believed my page, please believe me when I say, I did not meen to mislead anyone in the whole Haruka Michiru thing.

2/17/00 I posted a fan art I got today. Go check it out Fan Art

2/21/00 I just put up a bunch of new grup pictures. (the inners and outers togeather) This part of the page is far from over, but I want to keep it open, so you can see what I am doing w/ it ^_^

3/1/00 I fixed up my Music Page. It looks a lot more organized than before.

3/3/00 okay it took me almost 3 hrs to do, but now EVERY SINGLE PICUTRE in my Image Galleries work. Enjoy ^_^

Nov 24, 2000 geocities has gotten really picky about url addresses, and so a lot of my pictures were taken offline, but I have been doing a lot of work around the Image galleries and hopefully I can get it done soon.
also, I have joined another voting top 100 (I keep getting invited ^_^)so if you want to see it, go to the Voting Booth
Oh yes, I have also been doing a TON of work with my own Web Page contest.. I gathered everyones e-mail addresses, and created a newsletter.if you would like to see the last newsletter, go to the contest and check it out, and if you want to JOIN this newsletter, e-mail me it is a monthly newsletter telling about the contest (like who won last month) and all sorts of possible updates about the page.well anyway, that's it for now, C-ya l8tr

Dec 21, 2001 shiesh, over a year with nothing (I have't been THAT buisy)well I finally deleted those old ring codes in myWeb Rings PageI currently and not IN any, but that should be taken care of soon (ya right)
I also decided to tackle my old out-dated awards, (I know I earned them, however) anything with a broken link I decided to throu out ~_~ I know I also did a little suping up w/ being able to go to different pages check it out Awards page


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