HELP!!!!!!!!! Do you need it or do I?
That is the question.
This page is dedicated for any one just starting a webpage, or anyone having problems with their webpage. If you need help, I'll help you. Also this is a webpage dedicated for things I need. There is only one catch. I can make images, they won't be very good, so if you want me to make you one don't expect to much. But even if that is what you need, and you don't like mine, fill in the form below any way. I will try to find a link to a page that will make graphics. And I will probably give you a list of places that have what you want.
But what's this your saying, ME helping YOU? No there is no mistake. I like doing this kind of stuff. I know a lot about webpages and like to help people. I guess I'm just a friendly person. SO please do yourself a favour. If you need help, ask me!