Bianca's Sailor Moon Art Gallery
Chibi's Sweet Tooth
A Crystal Clear Destiny
Evvie's Door Through Time
Jess' Funky Sailor Moon Page
Kaiwaii Cats Shrine
Luna's Luna Page
Rose's Chibi-Usa Shrine
Sailor I.O.'s Venus Shrine.
"Winners of the Sailor V's Award of Excellence are..."
Sailor IO Venus Shrine
The Dark Planet Saturn
"The Winners for Serena's Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon Award are..."
Universal Sailor Scouts
Mentals Ultimat SailorMoon Homepage(Note this page is in German)
The Sailor Moon Page of Power
"The winners for the Sailor Scouts Award of the Month are..."
The Sailor Jupiter Shrine
The Kawaii Cats Shrine.
"The winners for The Sailor Mercuy's Aqua Award are..."
Birdie's Treasure Box.
The Sailor Moon Corner
"The winners for Sailor Jupiter's Just Plain Fun Award are..."
Queen Serena's Homepage
Rays Moon Madness
"The winners for Luna's Special Award of Cuteness are..."
Luna's and Artimis' Defense Ring
Luna's Luna Page
"The winners for Sailor Mars Award of the week are..."
TC's Sailor Saturn Homepage
Cosmic Moon Power
The SM Zone
"That's all but I know in the future, there will be more."
"If your page isn't on the winners list but you won please tell Sailor J and put in comments what award you won. Thanks."
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