"Now that all that is done, why don't you meet Princess Serena's court."
<hr "This is Princess Serena. (But you already heard about her.) On earth she is called Serena or Usagi. She is the daughter of Queen Serenity and princess of the moon. She is also Pretty Solder Sailor Moon. Here is a picture of her in her costume.
This is Princess Mercury (or Amy). On earth she is called Amy. She is princess of the planet mercury and is very smart. She is the warrior Pretty Solder Sailor Mercury. Here is a picture of her in her costume.
This is Princess Mars (or Raye). On earth she is called Raye. She is the princess of the planet Mars and does not get along with Princess Serina very well. She is the warrior Pretty Solder Sailor Mars. Here is a picture of her in her costume.
This is Princess Jupiter (or Lita). On earth she is called Lita or Minako. She is the princess of the planet Jupiter and loves to chase boys and cook. She is the warrior Pretty Solder Sailor Jupiter. Here is a picture of her in her costume.
This is Princess Venus (or Mina). On earth she is called Mina. She is the princess of the planet Venus and always stands for love. (Even though she doesn't have one of her own.) She is the warrior Pretty Solder Sailor Venus, but she used to be the warrior Sailor V and Sailor Moon's idol. Here is a picture of Sailor Venus.
This is Princess Neptune (or Michiru). On earth she is called Michiru. She is princess of the planet Neptune and some consider her very elegant and graceful. Her best friend is Sailor Uranus. Here is a picture of her in her costume.
This is Princess Uranus (or Haruka). On earth she is called Haruka. She is the Princess of Uranus and is considered a tomboy. Her best freind is Sailor Neptune. Here is a picture of her in her costume.
"The two pictures here are pictures of the princesses in both warrior form and maiden form. In the picture on the left, from left to right, top to bottom is Princess Amy, Princess Lita, Princess Raye, Princess Serena, Princess Mina, Princess Haruka and Princess Michiru."
"In the picture on the right, from left to right, top to bottom is Sailor Neptune, Sailor Uranus, Sailor Mercury, Sailor Moon, Sailor Jupiter, Sailor Mars and Sailor Venus."
"There are also seven other scouts but they were never members of Serena's court. They are..."
"This is Sailor Chibi Moon. She is Neo Princess Serenity. On earth she is called Reeny or Chibi-usa. She is the daughter of Sailor Moon (Princess Serena) and appeared on the show when she came from the future. She is best friends with Sailor Pluto."
"This is Sailor Chibi-Chibi Moon. Very little is known about her but she is either the daughter of Sailor Moon (Princess Serena) Or the daughter of Sailor Chibi Moon."
"This is Sailor Pluto. She the Prncess of the Planet Pluto. Her name on earth is Suran. Before the moon kingdom was destroyed Queen Serenity told me about her. She said "There is a scout that is destined to do nothing but guard a door of time." And here she is with her time key."
"This is Sailor Saturn. She is the princess of...Yes you guessed it, Saturn. On earth her name is Hotaru. She is one of the most powerful and dangerous Sailor Scouts. She has the power to kill someone yet also has the power to heal someone. And all with her weapon. But if she does heal or kill someone, she will lose her own strength in the process."
"Now... there are the three more scouts but they aren't princesses and are kind of in their own group. Infact, they are the only scouts that are boys. They're called the Sailor Starlights."
"This is Sailor Star Fighter." "This is Sailor Star Healer." "And this is Sailor Star Maker."
"They may not look like boys now because they transform into girls. But in their normal form, they are boys."
"This is Prince Darien (or Edymion). On earth his name is Darien or Mamoru. He is the love of Princess Serina and probably even her hero. He really isn't a Sailor Scout but a trusted friend that helps out when they're in trouble. He is the warrior Tuxedo Mask. (Although he does have many identities, these are the main ones.)"
"This is a picture of all the scouts including the beautiful cat Luna. Okay, Okay Artimis and Diana are in it to.This is who every one is from left to right, top to bottom.Sailor Star Healer is first, then Sailor Star Fighter, Sailor Star Maker, Tuxedo Mask, Sailor Jupiter, Sailor Mecury, Sailor Moon, Sailor Neptune, Sailor Pluto, Sailor Venus, Sailor Chibi Moon, Sailor Mars, Sailor Uranus, Sailor Saturn, Sailor Chibi-Chibi Moon, Artimis, Diana and *gasps for breath* me, Luna."
Now for my favorite part of the tour. You get to meet the guardian cats."
"This is Artimis. He was the one to teach Sailor Venus. (If it wasn't for her, all the inner scouts would be toast by now.)"
"This is Diana. She came from the future and claimed that she was mine and Artimis' child. I don't know about that. Well, maybe, because Artimis does have a little crush on me. He even told me so. Cat's word. Well anyway Diana is Sailor Chibi Moon's cat."
"And this is the beautiful and totally awsome... Hey! What did you, mean who? Me, of course! I was the one to teach Sailor Moon and most of the other scouts but Artimis helped a little. I currently stay with Serena and who knows, maybe one day I can teach her to act more like a Sailor Scout unstead of a failure scout."
"Here are some pictures of the happy family of cats in our human form and in cat form."

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