Moonduchess' Doll Centre
Right-click on the doll you would like to adopt, save it on your computer, then upload it to your server. How easy is that?
Another thing that I ask of you is to download my banner and link it back, showing that you got your doll from me.
The Dolls
Trini, Heather, Vanessa, Leanne
Rachel, Serena, Julie, Kira, Lucy
Caroline, Victoria, Celine, Angela, Lise
Here are three special dolls inspired by the hot new TV show Survivor
Tansy (Tagi Tribe), Pauline (Pagong Tribe) and Rissa (Rattana Tribe)
Survivor 2 Dolls
Karen (Kucha Tribe), Ophelia (Ogakor Tribe) and Britney (Barramundi Tribe)
Survivor 3 Dolls
Sierra (Samburu Tribe), Brianne (Boran Tribe) and Maiko (Moto Maji Tribe)
Survivor 4 Dolls
Marina (Maraamu Tribe), Raini (Rotu Tribe) and Sara (Soliantu Tribe)
This RingSurf
The Cartoon Dolls
Webring Net Ring
owned by Moonduchess' Doll
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