In the early 1990s, Naoko drew the adventures of a teenage girl who fought for love and justice and triumphed over evil. This girl was known as Tsukino Usagi, or Sailor Moon. The manga series became popular all over Japan and eventually, would take Japanese TV by storm. That happened in 1992 as Toei Animation took the character and transformed her into an animated sensation!
On the other side of the Pacific, some had heard about Sailor Moon and decided that the series should be translated for the English audience. They got their wish as DIC, an internationally-known animation company, brought Sailor Moon to English audiences in the summer of 1995. The first country to get a glimpse of this new superheroine? Well, anyone can tell you that the first country to see Sailor Moon was...Canada!
After the series gained a cult following in Canada, it got shipped across the border to the USA, and it immediately gained a large following. Ever since then, 17 new episodes have been added to the list and the series has been shipped to foreign markets, where it has been especially popular in Germany and Australia. Fans everywhere can owe its success to our Bishoujo Sensei, Naoko Takeuchi.