Welcome to Serena's Community Centre, one of the highlights of the Crystal Palace tour. As you know, Serena is a fun-loving person who always enjoys trying new things with her friends. Here is a list of activities that she has come up with and wants to share with everyone. Give them a try!
1. Browse around and see what other Moon Children have done. Check out the Gateway of Time to see what's available.
2. Create your own Sailor Moon website. Check the end of this page to find out how!
3. Start a collection of Sailor Moon stuff
4. Join a webring. If you have a cool Sailor Moon site, why not join a webring! Or you can even join some web cliques! Go to Raye's Rings and Cliques to see the rings that I have joined.
5. Adopt an anime friend. You can adopt a pet at the Cute Cute Pet Shop...
...or maybe visit my new Angel Senshi Adoption Service! It's really cool, so go give it a try.
These are just some ideas that I have. I'll find more when I have free time!