The Sailor Moon Ring of Superb Sailor Moon Webrings
Hello, webring owners. If you have a webring related to Sailor Moon or another popular Anime, please join this webring! You simply must:
1) Own a webring related to an anime, preferably Sailormoon
2) It should not have any hentai content
3) You must have the HTML codes on your actual webring page. THIS IS EXTREMELY IMPORTANT!!
That's it! Not bad at all, right? Just follow the steps below and you are in! For sure!!
Step 1: Fill out the form, if you have a webring in your possession.

Submit webring to the ring:
Ringmaster/Ringmistress' Name:
Ring Title:
Ring Home URL:

Please choose a password. (Don't forget it!!)
Keywords: Enter up to 20 keywords to describe your webring.
Description: Enter a short description of your webring.

Step 2: Get the HTML fragment and paste it on your ring's homepage. It's right here. Please don't change it. It should look like this after you add your site id #, name and email address:

This Sailor Moon Ring of Superb Sailor Moon Webrings webring is owned by Usagi Tsukino.

Do you own an anime webring? Then join this ring!

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Step 3: Email me and ask me to add your webring to the ring. If all's well (which it always is), you'll be added the same day I receive your message.

Now that you're a member, you might need to edit your site info. You can do that right here.

Site ID No:

Not sure if your webring's in the queue? Check here.
Want to know who's in the actual ring? Then go here.

Wanted! Skilled graphics makers to assist me in making one or two new sets of graphics. If you can help, email me. If you help you will receive full credit, and much appreciation from me.

Ring Mistress Ring

This Ring Mistress Ring
site is owned by
Usagi Tsukino.

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Ring of Masters
This site is owned by Usagi Tsukino, owner of The Sailor Moon Ring of Superb Sailor Moon Webrings.

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Crystal Connection This Crystal Connection nexus is owned by
Usagi Tsukino
Ringmaster for The Sailor Moon Ring of Superb Sailor Moon Webrings

Want to join the ring? Click here for info

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