The Sailor Moon Ring of Endless Light

Welcome to my ring! I invite you all to submit your site. I just have a couple of rules. (1) No hentai whatsoever. (2) It must have Sailor Moon content. (3) You must put the ring fragment on your page [where I and anyone else] can see it. And (4) You don't alter the ring fragment from the way it was given to you. If you think that there is something wrong with it, tell me first. For the moment, only I, the ringmistress can add sites, but as I get the hang of this, and there are more people in the ring, I may allow members to add others.

If you want to add your site to the queue (I hope you do) fill this out!

Submit your site to The SM Ring of Endless Light!!
Site Owner's Name:
Site Title:
Site URL:

Please choose a password. (Don't forget it!!)
Keywords: Enter up to 20 keywords to describe your site.
Description: Enter a short description of your site.

And if you already are in the ring, edit your site info here:
Site ID No:

This Sailor Moon Ring of Endless Light site is owned by
Princess Mars.

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Get the Fragment!
Once you have filled out the form, you will receive an email with your id# and other information. Before you are added to the actual ring, you will need to add one of the fragments, and then ask me to add you to the ring. I PROMISE that I will immediately add anyone who:
a) Has a good page with content and no hentai
b) Has added the ring codes in a good spot.
Right now, the standard and official fragment is above. The graphics are by Rei-chan. Thanks, excellent job! If anyone has graphics they would like to submit, please send them here.

Ring Mistress Ring

This Ring Mistress Ring
site is owned by
Princess Mars.

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This Sailor Moon Ring of Superb Sailor Moon Webrings webring is owned by Princess Mars.

Do you own an anime webring? Then join this ring!

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Ring of Masters
This site is owned by Princess Mars, owner of The Sailor Moon Ring of Endless Light.

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Crystal Connection This Crystal Connection nexus is owned by
Princess Mars
Ringmaster for The Sailor Moon Ring of Endless Light

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