High Priestess of Yoji-sama
Of course, we all know that I love Yoji-sama! My reasons are on the Yoji Biography page. My friends can't stand me when I talk about my fav bishonen. Just wait till my Yoji pencil board comes... Heh... Then they're going to hear some more about Yoji-sama....
Yoji-sama's Official Yes-Girl
Reason for becomming a Follower: "Who wouldn't be? How could I resist the sexy hair, the sexy
voice, and the, well, sexy everything! ^_^ It's about time Yoji-sama's
glorious self shines thru"
The 'Youji x Aya' Official Yaoi Lover
"Oh yeah...except that all girls can start crying
cause Youji loves Aya... *snickers*"
The Official Kohi Girl of Yoji-sama
"Hmm... maybe because I like Yoji? ^_^ Really, other than
his slight girl-chasing problem he's ideal... he has wonderful hair, emerald green eyes, likes
coffee, AND like garrotes.
The CHUU-NYA Homepage
Keeper of Yoji's Underpants; Miki no Miko
"I love Shin'ichirou Miki! He brings Yoji to life and therefore must
be loved by all!!!"
Loyal Grovling Worshiping Princess Weiss
"Cause I thing he's the hottesting thing on this planet! I'm destined to be with the Weiss Guys(oh yes all of them) I will fight
you for them! (High Priestess Comment: Watch Out Everyone! She'll Fight For Them!!) Actually I could see Youji in Lepord print velvet under wear. (HP: Yes, I should have put that up on the quiz. Lots of people want to see that, moi included ^_^)"
Weiss Kreuz Byce, Usagi no Miko
Weiss Kreuz rules as long they don`t kill Aya-kun or Yoji if they do that then i`ll guess we the
Weiss Kreuz fans will have to kill the producers...(evil smile)
Sexy Wire of Death no Kami-sama
Because I'm over 18 now and Youji would approve!
The Knob Squad
Guardian of A Very Domesticated Youji-chan
Youji-chan is just too adorable! He appeared on my soulbond doorstep one day pleading for me to take him in.
How could I say no? Plus Aya loves to play cat and mouse with Youji so...
AND Youji looks so cute with Aya - nice yaoi pairing from an obsessed yaoi
writer. ^_^
Aya/Youji yaoi fic and drawings
Youji's Personal Neko Peeping Tom
Well, Youji DOES repeatedly say no
woman can resist him, and my reasons follow. You know, the way his hair
moves when it's down, the way it looks so cute when it's tied back, the
way he can look at you from behind those sunglasses and melt your heart,
the cocksure posture, the clothes that look damned good no matter what,
he can kill people with a wire, he can show remorse, etc.
Felissa's Den
The Bondage Queen Who Will Use Yoji's Wire for Other Purposes >:)
It's all about that damn hot trench
coat. He's got the best hair and the best dresser of the lot and so sexy
in it all! Torso of the World! Great site! It's about time somw shrines went up to the
All Mighty Force known as Yoji!
Yoji-sama's Coat Bearer
But Yoji IS a GOD in my eyes, just Aya's my guarden angel.
Long Live the King!
Yoji's Zealous Advocate
I'd say there's only one reason- and I'm blaming Yoji for it (in a
positive way, though) You'd understand.....
Fanatical Follower of the Manga-fied Youji
Because I think the darker hair
makes him look more mysterious, therefore, more sexy! How could I not after seeing all
the totally insanely sexy pictures of Youji (and Aya) on these awesome
pages... I'm just becoming totally obsessed! (Like *that's* something
new for me!)
Misato's Fan Art Emporium
Yoji's Koolest Kicker
Yoji's Humble Drool Lackey
Cos the mere mention of Yoji sends my
heart fluttering and my stomach twisting. No joke. Ask my buds, they think
I'm retarded. But I will always fight for my right to Yoji. Let
the whole universe know of Yoji Kuduo and his oh-so-salivating worthyness. It's called "Knight Hunters" here in
Manila, dubbed into Filipino, but it still kicks ass!
Yoji-sama's Dominatrix
He trains me to satisfy as
well as beat up clients! Yoji's a sexy bitch! How could anyone resist his suave personality, his seductive visage, his sweet ass
voice............ He could tie me up with that wire anytime! Heh heh
heh...........gotta love that S&M thing!
Yoji-sama is dead
sexie!!!! :D~~~~
His Personnal Neko-musume
I Love Yoji! He's so gorgeous, and has such a -sexy- voice!!!
Yoji's Personal Groomer and
Because Yoji/Youji/Yohji-sama is so
binanshi!! (although, hot is more like it.) I hope I make it! *prays to Yoji* Please let me make
Keeper of Yohji-sama's Cattleya
I am over
18... *smirk* And I love Yohji's tatoo. And his wardrobe. And his
sunglasses. And his *friend Brandy-chan smacks hand over Jen-chan's mouth*
bfphlwhse... That's enough now Jen-chan ^^;;;
Yoji-sama's Official Bed-Warmer
Bed-Warmer is not an evil title; it only means I keep his sheets
warm while he is away, so when Yoji-sama returns from a long day of
arranging, he has a warm bed to crawl into.* Also, as Offical Bed-Warmer, I have converted four others to the way of
Aya no Miko's Katana Protector
YOHJI!!!@_@...and when I hit your
site...Velvet Underworld started playing on Winamp...I saw it as a
sign...^_^... Yohji, Yohji,
Yohji...::in a trance::...
Aya and Yoji's Personal Dresser
It takes a lot of effort to look that good. Picking out the right outfit
is always key, that's why I'm here. Hm, can't get that zipper to work? No
problem! ^_^
Youji's Witch
Gabrielle MoonShadow
Who needs to worry
about enemies with a Witch around? Youji is so manly! *sigh*
I would love to be his Witch. Blessed be.
Yoji-sama's Distraction
Entertainer!! I love singing, dancing, and I
play the keyboards and the flute!! I'd love to hear his sexy voice commanding me... *imagines scene...*
*Yoji: Willow...
Willow: *blush* Uh... yes, Yoji-sama?
Yoji: [fingers Willow's cheek] Please sing for me...*
*Swoon* What can I say? I like guys who are really "humane", mature,
loving, and one I can imagine singing/listening to sexy songs, the type that
turns you on. And I really love his fashion sense.... *Sigh*... So
seductive... So seduceable...
She Who Attempts to Look Like the Mighty One and Tells Every Living Soul About Him Until They Wish to Kill Her
I'm a hyper girl with the never ending job of spreadiing the good word "about" him not "of" him Yoji-sama. No, no, I am not a Jehovah's Witness, I am a Yoji-sama Witness.
Yohji Wire Girl
(Why? Because I CosPlayed as Yohji at Junior Prom. Hey, the theme was "Take My Breath Away" and what could be more that than Yohji and his wire?) Because Yohji is the sexiest bitch alive!! *DROOLS* And of course, his unrealistically (not that we care about that) elastic wire is very sexy too! ^_^ Besides, he's
romantic, and definitely bishonen! How can anybody resist that sexy little (well, bigger than mine) bod? And lastly, his seiyuu, Miki Shinichirou-sama rules! He's the
best seiyuu ever!! ^_^
Emissary of The Almighty Yo-Tan
Who wouldn't want to follow this droolworthy assassin around? I
kiss the ground his kawaii size-whatever feet walks on...
Yoji is the sexiest assassin to walk
the earth...*dream dream*....
The Emissary is also known as:
Eternally Daydreaming Harem Girl of The Almighty Yoji-kun
The YouKen Stalker Fangirl
The single most obsessive Youken
(KenXYouji, YoujiXKen) fan in the whole entire world (I WILL CONVERT YOU!)
Vestal Virgin Bronwen
The man is a god (nuff said).
Guardian of Youji-kamisama's Harigane
*grins* What can I say, I like blond bishonen. Especially ones who look kakkoi in black and wield...shall we say, _interesting_ weapons...
Shadow Dragon's Nexus
Yoji's One and Only Bedroom Slave
Everytime I see him, hear his voice, mention his name, this feeling of weakness steals over my body and my mind (no kidding, this is true!). Like it's telling me to yield, yield, YIELD to the power of the almighty Yoji. After all, no woman can resist, right? So here I am, submitting myself, eager to be a follower, a slave to Yoji Kudo. I'm sure the whole league of Followers would appreciate the love and care that I would shower on Yoji-sama, just to keep him satisfied and happy. I'd tuck him in bed, make sure he'd get enough sleep, be at his beck and call when he wants or needs something at night, and wake him up on time, help him get un/dressed, ...you get the idea.
Valliant Yohji x Omi Supporter
Yohji's Cousin
do NOT ask about the title. Because he's quite possibly the most
kick-ass character in the world... besides, anyone who uses a piano wire for a
weapon has to be cool.
Kudou to You! A Shrine to Yohji Kudou
Yoji-sama's Wardrobe Picker
Caretaker of Balinese
one of my faves. He'w sweet, sexy, daring... and
that wire of his... kyaa! So... Aahh! I can't explain it! *^^* And his style
in clothing! Yai! So trendy! I love it! =D And the hair! =D
Mystic Collective
Servant and Worshipper of Youji-sama and the High-Priestess
I LOVE YOUJI-SAMA!!! (as if there
were any doubt???!!!???)
Bearer of Yoji-sama's Sunglasses
'Cause Yoji's the _man_! He's
adorable (I'm a swooner, not a screamer ^_^), has very... *ahem* daring
fashion sense, works it with that wire, and reminds me of a young,
Japanese Shaft. ^_~ That, and he's dead sexy. It's Yoji. Yoji, Yoji, Yoji. Three cheers for
that long, black jacket.
*Smirks.* Do you really need a reason? I go
by Yohji no Koibito on almost everything nowadays.
Yohji-sama's official Sake Girl
Ayame (Code Name:Calico)
Yohji-sama is the best anime
bishounen that ever lived and he's so incredibly sexy that it makes
me shiver. And he's so sweet!!!!
Yohji's Shrine
Undying Supporter of Youji x Omi, Itsu Made Mo! ^.^
Chibi Chiriko
As my title suggests, I'm a diehard Youji x Omi fan. They were the
couple I got interested in when I first fell into WK obsession, and
they're still my favorite yaoi couple to date. I just love the character, that's why. I know that most people who
don't like him dislike his playboy-ish character, but I actually find
it appealing. ^_^ He's got a lot of depth and dimension, not to
mention a whole lot of private angst, and a painful tenacity to his
lost love. I find him a pretty refreshing character, and I think I'd
really like him for a friend or a brother, if he really existed as a
real person.
The Blesse'd Fashion Coordinator, Doku
What kin I say...Cause Youji's got tha balls ta wear those clothes. And hell, he's got the whole, long-haired chain smoker look going.
Dokuhana's Chaotic Corner
Rabid fangirl of Yotan the Mighty and Loyal Youji x Ken supporter
Rhole Hidaka
it's YOUJI, fer crying out loud!! Sheesh, he's only the SEXIEST MAN ALIVE!!! ^^ Hmm..am I the only one that thinks Youji-sama and Kenken are damn sexy together?? However ooc it may seem, I love it!! Youji-sama ga suteki na bishounen!!! *drools all over her WK manga for the 397th time today*
Bishounen Paradise
Holder of Youji's Belongings Whilst He Poses For Pictures
I'm so stuck on Youji that not only did I
get a boyfriend who looks like him, I trained him in youji poses and actions
until he has become Youji! He even has the Youji outfit and goes to
conventions wearing it. See attached. Oh, and he knows the "Youji phrases"
by heart. I make him sing the Tsuhan commercial. Is that Youji-crazy
My Youji and I will be in costume at AWA 2000 as...who else? Youji and
Noi! ^____^
Yoji-sama's Official Chauffeur and Car Waxer
Because Yoji is my god, and whoreshipping..I MEAN ..worshipping him, is a fun past time! =D I alone get to handle Yoji's car ...(whoremobile as I call it)....well..other then the all-mighty Yoji himself!!!
Saiyan Brat's Lair
Keeper of Yoji's Kissable Pink Parts
Yoji's a sex god.
Yoji's Personal Keeper
Akawa Yuriko
I like to be a follower becoz i like to know more about Yohji-sama.and
he's my type..
I love Youji more than I love myself (and that is very hard to beat ´cause I have a large ego).
Bearer of the Beloved Cigarettes
Ok, I loooooooove Yohji-samma, and I think I'm worthy of joining the ranks.
Whenever I see him I swoon, and I have pics of him littering my compy.
Youji-sama's Personal Sex Slave (Wahaha!)
Cuz Youji-kun is soooo sexyyyyy
Yoji-sama's Manicurist
Three words: Yoji-sama is SEXY.
Youji-sama's Fashion Designer
Yuki Makurayami
I love Youji! He's so smooth and
stuff, my second favorite character. *swoons* Ah Youji-kun! sugoi!
Bishonen Land
Yoji's All-Around Handy Girl
Because Yoji has his needs and they must be met with utmost care.
The Mistress of Yohji-ness
really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really like Yohji!
Because he's sexy, smart, funky, and all around cool!!!!!!!! He's really sexy!
Dark Angel of Yoji-sama
Rosebride/Princess of Farfie-sama
Well... Yoji-sama
is just the bestest, most sexy member of Weiss. He
also has the most godly voice.(Shin-sama!) He helped
me ruin things for my friends cuz of pictures of
him.(they can't look at boxes or chairs the same way
anymore ^_~)
Chained Coffin
Yohji-sama's fashion designer
What else? To worship Yohji!!!! Watashi wa yohji-sama aishiteru!!!!
Yoji-sama's most loyal Personal Servant
Ashy Kojiro
YOJI-SAMA IS MY GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I love him
and would do anything for him. Plus, he is so HOT!!!!! Other info:
Code name: Phynix
Weapon: Martial arts Skill
About me: Like Omi,i am THE average intenet Junkie.i have no web pages of my
own,i just surf.I love Weiss
ing wild and Yoji.I hate any thing boring and I loathe and Despise GENDO
IKARI AND RELENA PEACECRAFT!!!!!!!!My birth date is February 3 and I'm a
fortified Aquarian,No Da! I stand for love and peace.
Quotes: No Da!,Chiku Chiku,Moreo!,I know.
Elements: Air and fire.[burn baby burn]
Planet: uranus
Birthstone: amethyst
Chinese zodiac sign: Horse
Strong points: Clever,physically and Emotionally strong,Out going,open
Weak points: Too assertive,defiant,stubborn,wishy-washy.
I'm an all around rebel.
Yohji-kun's best friend
Ken-kun's lil sister
cause i think i need something to do with all my spare time and i think it would be fun
Yoji's lighter
He just oozes coolness! I may not swoon when I see him but I will drool ala Homer Simpson "AHH Yoji!"
Yoji's Personal Kitti-girl
Miki Shin'ichirou needs to be hugged ^_^
Yoji's Personal Female Bodyguard
Ok, where I should start? Yohji is dreamlike, sexy, he knows what the women want, he is actually the best man who ever could exist. Another reason is that I want to defend him against all these people who call him a playboy.... Hey, that's his nature... He can't do anything against his sexy appearance.
Yohji-sama's genki pillow fluffer
To worship the almighty Yohji-sama!
The Insomniac's Late Night Resort
Yo-tan's Offical Paper-Fan Wielder
do you really have to ask? Isn't it OBVIOUS?? The man is drop-dead sexy!! ::puppy dawg eyes:: IlovehimIlovehimIlovehimIlovehimI... ::continues in that fashion::
I LUV YO-TAN! I LUV YO-TAN! I LUV YO-TAN! ::gets dragged away by the offical "Rabid Fan Girl" police:: YO-TAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAN!!!!!!!!!
Yohji's Personal Neko Bondage Fairie King
a really good pic of ken not looking stupid: several hours of searching
a totally drool enducing pic of aya's sexiness: a few minutes of site
a f*cking, gawddamn, orgasmic pic of yohji: priceless
Yoji-sama's eternal wire-slave & never satisfied only with a full-night-session of sex with him (Wahaha!!!)
You all know why...Yoji-sama is soooooooooooooooooooooooooo sexy, warm, kind, irresistible..I love his hair, voice, and his wire..Wahaha!!!! =)...he's a sex god, he's just The Man.
I just love Yoji sooo much!!
(unoriginal reason, ne?, well I can think of something else) Hmm....Cuz I
love yaoi situations involving Yoji and Aya or SchuSchu or even Crawford
(don't ask I have weird taste), and Have you looked at the man lately he's
drop dead gorgeous, who wouldn't want to follow him? ^_^V
If you would like to join the list (and the shrine is in need of followers!!), please open this door and register with the scribe inside.
Open the door to return to the main entry way of
Velvet Underwear - A Shrine to Yoji Kudou.