Fanfic Links!
Welcome to my Fanfic page!!  Definitely my favourite, because I love writing myself, and I love reading other people's work--especially when it's about my favourite TV show!!

  The Haven of Tired Sailor Senshi
     Formerly Furiku's Sailor Moon Page--believe it or not, a fan from Sweden!!  That's where one of my best friends (Vasiliki) is from!!  Lots of fanfic.  Check it out!

 Lina-chan's Corner
     Formerly "Ztar's SM Zone"--fanfic, some really cool fanart, plus another fan from Sweden!! I love that country!! (After all, they make Volvos!)

 Lady Jupiter's Dreamhouse
    Ok, I probably shouldn't play favourites, but I'm going to anyway.  This is my favourite page so far, because I love fanfic, and I love Sailor Jupiter, and this page is fanfic about Sailor Jupiter, which is the perfect combination (at least I think so!).  Hope you enjoy it!! (BTW, this link is also on the Inner Senshi page).

 Central Command HQ for SM
    Make sure you stop by the romance archive...

  My Sailormoon Fanfic Page
    Lots of fanfic & (of course) Senshi profiles.

 A Sailor Moon Romance
    Romance fanfic, and lots of it!  Plus romantic pics and music...this link can also be found on the "Usagi & Mamoru" page!

 Heavenshine's Library: A SM Fanpage
    Now gone...but if you want to read the parting message, here it is.

 The Voice Acting Resource Center
    Just what the name says—lots of info for aspiring voice actors.

 Kaoru OrO's Twisted SM Fics
    Exactly what the name says…fanfic from the dark side of the moon (wow, is THAT phrase overused or what??)!

 The Unauthorized SM CD Project
    An attempt to “archive some of the best Sailor Moon stuff available on the net.” (in the words of the webpage creator, Shalimar).  Very ambitious!!  An excellent idea, and an excellent site.

 Neko's Guide to Anime Sheet Music
    Unique—this site provides sheet music for many of the most popular songs in animedom, including several from SM.  Definitely worth a look if you’re musically inclined.

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