Outer Senshi Links!

OK, this is my page for all of my links to sites exclusively about the Outer Senshi--Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, and Saturn, as if you couldn't tell from the picture.  I'm afraid I don't know anything about the Outer Scouts, except that they're, well, the Outer Scouts...and they all have cool weapons...I'm jealous!!

  World Shaking!
    Formerly "The Haruka Tenoh Shrine"--Haruka & Michiru message board, absolutely everything else you could think of.  This page is huge!!

 Thunder Crash's Ultimate Sailor Neptune Shrine
    Big & beautiful!!  Lots of animated gif's and a *HUGE* pic gallery!

 Pluto Planet Power!!!
    A huge Pluto shrine (duh!) with a choice of Java or no-Java versions...very nicely done.

 Neptune's Palace: The Sailor Neptune Shrine
    Choice of frames/no frames--an incredible page with tons of well-written & researched info!  One of my favourites.

 Project SING
    Saturn Is Not Goth--*L*  A creative and entertaining page.  Could be offensive to a certain subculture, though!

    I support Haruka and Michiru—the title pretty much explains it all.  Some interesting real-life stories…I can’t say I really agree (being a fairly devoted hetero myself), but this is a well-done page and worth a visit.

 Haruka: Spirit
    A great Haruka shrine…info, pics, quotes, and plenty more!  Very well done.

 Silent Walls of Destruction
    A Saturn shrine from the creator of “Dark Echo Grounds of Thunder Senshi”, an old fave.  An excellent page.

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