Konnichiwa!Welcome to my contest page! Good ol' Meatball head (my mommy Serena) said I could make up a contest for all you Moonies to enter!! I'm so pysched!
There will be one new contest per month with *5* winners. Prizes, of course will vary, and in some cases there will be that long sought mystery prize (oooh...ahh). The harder it is, the better and maybe more prizes. Wickedly hard contests provide "very" special prizes. It might even be a tape with Sailor Moon episodes.. Who knows! Anyways, I won't tell what it is, cause I don't wanna give it away! (Plus Serena would be pretty mad at me if I did ^_^*.) Well... Good luck with solving this month's contest!!!
This month's contest is:
Can you identify who this is?
If you know who this is, email ME and claim a prize package!!! Prize packages consist of either a large number of pics (whatever you request),avis, wavs, or perhaps a combination of the 3 groups.(Please scroll down to the bottom to see if winners have already been selected. I've gotten a lot of mail after the contest itself has been closed. ^_^)
*Also*, the contests will vary in hardness.
This week's contest is rated: SORT OF EASY.
NOTE: I have been unable to send out attached files with my email for the past month or so, but that problem has now been resolved! Sorry to all the people who responded with the correct answer and recieved no prize!
Remember only the first 5 people to respond will recieve a prize(s)! So respond and claim a prize before time runs out!
Oh yeah, forgot to tell ya! If you're really stumped, the filename of that pic might just help you out! ^.^
The winners for the contest of 10/13/98 are as follows:
Come back soon for the next update everyone!
"Tsukino Hikariwa Ai No Message"