Prior to X/1999, there has been RG Veda, a story based loosely on an indian epic poem, and Tokyo Babylon, a supernatural saga with Tokyo as centrestage - two gems that have considerable influence on
Shoujo manga. However, neither has paralled the magnitude achieved by 'X', which has stunned fans and critics alike.
Seasoned readers of CLAMP are disappointed with the mediocre characterization and plot design compared to earlier works,
albeit the artwork maintains its superb quality. New readers curious about all the hype surrounding the four females mangakas
who have taken Asia and America by storm (and the craze looks set to hit Europe and South America) are shocked (and awed) by the artists' graphic depictions of violence and love. It seems incredible how the characters managed to emerge from throat-cutting
battles in one piece. Talk about miracle. I too, remembered having a strong reader reaction against RG Veda, describing it as "perverse, extremely
overboard ...". It was referring to the norm-defying relationships between the characters.
If Tokyo Babylon is a work that explores the dark side of humanity underscoring a social message (hailed as the
mangakas' best offering to date), and RG Veda is an attempt to recreat mythical legend (this they did successfully) then 'X' marks their
effort to tamper science fiction by incorporating certain aspects of karma --- retribution and providence, and the religious vision of doom.
'X' relates to the problems of the current world, dabbling in unsolved environmental and social issues. The entire of the first ten volumes of X/1999
portray an overwhelming sense of despair though the characters persevere in their ideology. It is not intented as a platform for complex
world issues. It merely deals with the characters' internal conflicts complicated by the workings of the 'invisible hand'. Having received
acclaim for one's talent, it is an artist's impulse and perogative to expand his horizon. This should have been the philosophy behind 'X'. Those of you who haven't picked up any of the volumes or on the brink of abandoning the title, you can perhaps consider reading
vol. 4 first. Be prepared for violence, repetitions and some nudity (look out for Kanoe, a goddess in her own right). I enjoy the manga's action,
the art and its narrative style with its twists and turns. It has the potential to woo shonen and older fans. *X/1999 SYNOPSIS* Six years after his departure, Kamui Shirou returned to Tokyo. It was no longer the city he knew, his heart filled with bitterness. Six
years ago, a tragedy took him away from two close childhood friends. His mother's death brought him back. Utterly baffled by the course of events, he
nonetheless complied by his mother's wish to collect the 'magical sword' from the Monou family. The reunion with Fuuma and Kotori Monou proved ominous as
they were continually pursued by people of mysterious identities.
"If he regains consciousness, will you tell him the truth ? And suffer the condemnation ? Even when nobody understood your heart's desire ?" -Kakyou. "The world I know is where I find my loved ones. If they no longer exist, neither does the world." - Kamui
End of synopsis for first 10 volumes. The manga is still being serialized. Translated texts may vary. Currently, there are 16 volumes of X. The title is serialized in Asuka Magazine.
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