What's Up & Coming?
Ace Hot SiteUpdated on 6 July 2001

Welcome back! This section allows you to find out the latest additions to the site.

  1. We have to apologise for the lack of updates during these few months. A lot of you guys sent me fabulous fanart and I know I've promised to put them up but just couldn't have enough time for that. A thousand apologies! We are currently planning for a revamp to the Fanart Section and hopefully it will be ready by the end of this year.

  2. New Anime Sales Page located at come.to/AASP
    You can purchase rare collectibles directly from our affiliated site.

  3. "FANART & MP3" - MP3 section closed. Due to a change in policy, idrive.com has finally decided to stop giving us free disk space for storing the music files. You may still sample tracks from the animation - Sohryuden, Miyuki in Wonderland and X just by dropping me an email. I'll send them direct to your mailbox! (one request per email only)

Acemax Absolute Anime World is now part of the 'eBay.com Affiliate Program'! Visit eBay.com for thousands of cool and authentic anime collectibles up for grabs daily. A PERFECT place to get Hard-to-Find Anime merchandise without leaving home or going to Japan ^_^

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