Future Anime in the Making!

The Anime Hotspot | The Sailor Constellations

Ryouko's Writings


The Pirate Elite

A Gundam Wing Romance

The Sailor Constellations

The Utena Fic

Some of the links don't work yet because I haven't finished them. Okay, most of the links don't work yet. Anyway, some of them are entirely created by me, and all of them include either my human character, Kris, my fictional character, named Ryouko, or my deadly titles, Sailor Celestia or Dark Golden Senshi Sailor Venus. ^^

They'll also include either Kirby-chan or Jessica-chan, depending on the story.
I love to write, it kind of puts me in perspective of a situation, that's why I include myself. (Plus it lets me get some Gundam boyz.^^ You should try it some time. I'm thinking about starting a webring. What do you think?

Here's a cute synopsis of what's what here

The Pirate Elite
Main Characters: Kris, Jessica, Kai, Jackson, and the Fairy Three (Recurring characters thruout my fic where Kris or Ryouko are involved.

Storyline: Four people recieve a legendary magic that's almost human. A deep lovestory evolves between Kris, the most powerful magic, Ryu, and Kai, as Kris realizes her deepest fear is not losing the battle, but losing her closest friends amidst her deadly battle. All this, just outta highschool!
Extras:: Lots of Laughs, Lots of strange comments, Interesting Situations, Mecha, Magic, everything rolled into one.Rating: PG-13

A Gundam Romance
Main Characters: Kris, Jessica,Kirby and the Fairy Three (Recurring characters thruout my fic where Kris or Ryouko are involved.

Storyline: (Takes place through out Gundam Wing & Endless Waltz, and then after Endless Waltz)Three school girls who transfer to one of the many schools Duo and Heero go to, keep an eye on them. No one bothers to pay any attention, until the night Deathscythe is destroyed by Trowa Barton.
Extras:: A romantic story between the Three Girls, The Gundam Boys, and the Gundam Girls. Maybe a few interesting scenes, and a few jokes. Lots of mecha. Rating: PG-13

The Sailor Constellations
Main Characters:Kris/Sailor Celstia, Jessica/Sailor Lyra/ Kirby/Sailor Antlia/Vince, The Starlights

Storyline: Sailor Celestia awakens after the Sol Sailor Senshi just left Galaxia. Though her power was needed, she is not short of a task, as she fights Raina (A recurring villainess) who wishes to recieve the ultimate energy. Can she keep her deadly and cruel fighting methods to herself, or will she hurt others in the process? Be prepared for many interesting situations that only the most powerful senshi in the Universe can handle.
Extras:: Laughs, Love, no Mecha, sadly. ^^ Magic for sure. Basically it's Sailor Moon with a bit of cussing. PG.

This sight is free speech so-to-speak. So if you don't like something I write, write your own the way you like it. ^^ I don't claim Sailor Moon or Gundam Wing as my own, however I do claim the characters I write as mine, and I'd like for you to at least give me some credit. ^^ (Kai has had so many makeovers, it makes my head spin, so pleeeezzze!) ^^

So stop by any sight that's open. It's pick and choose for right now. I'm doing this by inspiration.

The Anime Hotspot!

If you have any questions or comments please contact the webmaster at andromilkyway@yahoo.com