How many Universes does one anime need?!

Tenchi Muyo! (No need for Tenchi: This end up)

           Tenchi Muyo is a mix of over a MILLION animes! It's huge and got everything there is to offer! It's definitly slapstick  comedy at it's best. That was the reason it was created. Anyway, it's got too many alternate universes (That means theres more than enough Tenchis to go around!) and not to mention over a thousand interesting situations. So without further adeau I'll introduce the characters!

Tenchi: He's got a lot of issues. lots of girls after him and he can't deside which to marry? Yeah, not to mention Washu is constantly making him be her guinea pig for expiriments...heh heh...I truely think he'll end up with Ryoko though. Anyway, he has the Tenchi-ken, the sword, and is actually like half-jurai. (On his mothers side).

 Ryoko was the first to show up. She's the only one with major super powers and can teleport, use energy balls and create energy sword (like a light saber) not to mention superhuman strength, and she can fly and pass through walls.. She's really sarcastic and cynical and loves Tenchi. She has three gems  (one in her neck, the other two in her hands) given to her by Washu when she was created, to give her the powers. She is a criminal and usually is chased after by the galaxy police (as if, they couldn't capture her if they really tried!). She constantly fights with Aeka.

Aeka is the Crowned Princess of Jurai and also loves Tenchi, even though she was first to mary Yosho his grandfather (Don't ask.) Yosho directed her attention to Tenchi and now she constantly fights with Ryoko over him. She doesn't have powers of her own, so Ryoko teases her a lot. Aeka loves to get back at her though, so it's equal in that sense.

Sasami is Aeka's younger sister and is the cook of the household. She is too young to go after Tenchi. She also shares her body with Tsunami, a goddess, and sister of Washu. Sasami is  also in her own TV series spinoff, Magical Girl Pretty Sammy. Ryo-ohki sometimes is seen with her throughout Tenchi Muyo.

Mihoshi is a complete idiot. She's a first class detective in the Galaxy Police, (how I dunno) and in another alternate universe, is paired up with Kiyone, who can't stand her at times. She stays in the Household with the others, and always does things incredibly idiotic. Like in Tenchi Muyo in love Tenchi asks, "Has anyone noticed anything wierd?" and Mihoshi says. "I have! You know that fried dish that's usually sold out at lunch, well  today there was.. (Starts counting on her fingers) One...two...yeah three pieces left! Don't you think that's wierd, I do!"
Washu is the Universe's  smartest mad scientist! She looks like she's 12 but that's because she chose to take the form of a 12 year old. She created Ryoko and Ryo-ohki. She considers Ryoko her daughter and even tries to get her to call her mom. Washu is extremely smart, and also has some divine background "She the sister to Tsunami." She's a genius and she loves it. Personally she and Ryoko are my two favorite characters, cause the women are insane!

The different Series are

Tenchi Muyo 
Tenchi Universe
Tenchi In Tokyo
Shin Tenchi
Tenchi: Midsummer Dream (I think..not sure)

The Movies are
Tenchi Muyo In Love
Tenchi Muyo 2: Daughter of Darkness
Tenchi Forever (Aka Tenchi Muyo In Love 2)

That's all for now, but see what we'll eventually have!

Washu and Ryoko's realm of Insanity
Too many Tenchi's!