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Werewolves and vampires. Unicorns and wizards. Ever since my first year in high school where I studied Greek mythology, I have been interested in myths and legends. A few years ago, I realized that I know foreign myths and legends (from various myths of the Greeks, Romans and Babylonians to Arthurian legends to Eastern European folktales to a few East Asian legends) yet I know so little about the myths, legends and folktales of my own country. I then decided to rectify the situation and have since been learning more about Philippine myths, legends and folktales.

The tales presented here range from the supernatural (in the legend of Puente del Diablo, a beautiful maiden encounters a demon) to the mythical (in the legend of Mariang Makiling, a goddess falls in love with a mortal).

To read the various tales in this site, please click on a title in the table below.

Ancient Legends, Modern Folktales Origin Stories Supernatural and Mythical Beings
The Legend of the Bow and Arrow The Origin of the Banana Plant
The Aswang
The Legend of Mariang Makiling The Origin of the Coconut
The Manananggal
The Legend of Puente del Diablo The Origin of Rice
The Sigben
The Legend of Sampaloc Lake
The Origin of the World
The Tikbalang

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Bathala, the Anito, the Manggalo and the Legend of Casiguran

[Proudly Pinoy, Bisayang Dako]
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Qapla', jupwI'!!

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