Welcome to my Guestbook!

kru - 08/01/00 19:52:58
My URL:http://www.kelelawar.com
My Email:kru@kelelawar.com
From: luar negri

Tercetus dari keberhasilan suatu majalah bernama indocampus yang dikelola oleh adik-adik kami, maka sekarang tibalah saatnya untuk mengikuti jejak mereka dengan menampilkan kelelawar.com. Versi lain dan hanya untuk pria dewasa. Kami dari majalah kelelawar ingin mengajak anda untuk menikmati hal-hal yang tersedia dalam dunia. Kami hanya ingin menampilkan hal-hal yang beda dari biasanya. Ide kami tercetus dari acara “man show” di America yang mengexpose kemolekan tubuh wanita-wanita. Ingat!! Ini jaman demokrasi, dimana setiap manusia boleh mengungkapkan kreativitas mereka. Iya nggak? Ingin menjadi cool, gaul, keren, playboy, atau percaya diri, maka bacalah majalah kami yang dijamin kalian akan menjadi cool, gaul dan percaya diri. Seperti halnya kalian membaca Indocampus yang sebagian besar redaksinya adalah mahasiswa berkualitas Luar negeri…sekali lagi…kualitas luar negeri dan bukan dalam negeri. Dapat dibuktikan dari anggota-anggota indoclub-nya yang telah bermutasi menjadi lebih percaya diri dan gaul. Demikian juga majalah online kami yang bersifat luar negeri yang dikelola oleh para kru kami yang salah satunya adalah bule asli. Kru kami memang terkenal gaul dalam kehidupan sehari-harinya, oleh sebab itu kunjungilah website kami yang lebih modern dari site-site lainnya. Dan jangan lupa dating dan ngobrol-ngobrol di forum kami untuk lebih dekat dengan para kru. Ayooo dong…sepi nih… Salam sejahtera. Kalau kalian tidak bisa mempunyai teman yang bule, bergabunglah bersama kami karena sebagian besar dari kami kuliah di luar negeri dan dapat meningkatkan kepercayaan diri mahasiswa-mahasiswa dalam negeri.

YangYu - 02/20/00 14:07:53
My URL:http://ww.comp.nus.edu.sg/~yangyu
My Email:yangyu@comp.nus.edu.sg
From: Downstairs

Very good work on homepage. I should work hard to catch up with you. Hehe.

Tecumseh - 01/15/00 01:29:44
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/madayar
My Email:feylamia@hotmail.com
From: Germany

Already forget me? *s* Doesn't matter. Was just updatin my HP discovering my link to your HP and visited. Chancged a lot. Was concerned about you, Merlien. You didn't answer my last letter. I hope, you're all fine. Contacts as usual, mail, my guestbook (I just updated the german part, sorry *prettysmile*), or letter. You should have my hone number, too. Just would be happy to hear from you again! Your dear penpal Soeren Tecumseh

- 12/13/99 16:56:50


koNeko - 12/12/99 18:33:33
From: Japan

Test =P uso! Itsumo Arigatou Mer sensei =)

J_o_N_t_E - 11/18/99 16:12:29
My Email:Jonte.C@spray.se

Hey there cyberchick, just thought I'd b nice and sign u'r guestbook since I'm here viewing u'r HP and all. With danger of repeating myself I'm just saying that I Do enjoy our little chat's - hehehe take care c u Jonte

kevin young lee - 11/12/99 14:35:39
My Email:acbkin@tokyo.org
From: kolong jembatan gg torong

huehhehehehhehe... iseng aja.. hp kamu bagus... kapan-kapan kita ketemu yah di ricci.. wasurenaide you..

Badmoonie - 11/10/99 03:09:30
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/Motorcity/Flats/4520
My Email:badmoonie@hotmail.com
From: Jalan Pelita No.2AA

Homepage adik ku tersayang yang di buat oleh si ^Seth^ terXXX hehehehehe......

Merlien - 10/11/99 22:46:01

aduh test nih..hehehe

jenny - 10/10/99 17:45:28
From: Jakarta


tangbai - 10/10/99 02:57:07
My Email:ispal@angelfire.com

i find ur web-site is great......(though there is room for improvement)i hope that i can make one for myself too... Boy~! did anyone tell u that u look so swe....et~!!!!!!! ! ! >:< eh? how come my picture wasn't in there........ (just kidding~!) ^_^

hello - 10/09/99 17:15:50


neko - 10/09/99 17:03:02


Septo - 09/28/99 18:01:31
My Email:septo@yahoo.com
From: NUS also

Halo Mer, elu jago banget bikin homepagenya sih. Kapan2x kalo ada waktu ajarin gue dong yah. hehehe. ^_^

Rodny Tamayo - 09/22/99 11:15:31
My Email:otnnie@hotmail.com
From: San Fransisco

ok Lien Top banget dech hp-nya cuma tetap kurang tuch soalnya nggak ada foto gue scan foto gue donk...he..he..

DIJE - 09/21/99 03:49:21
My Email:andyjohan@hotmail.com
From: S'pore

What a coincidence that i got lost to this cute &creative web-pages, I must say, when i was looking for my Ricci (alumni98) URL!! Any way, you're just one year junior of me, and yet it's a pity that I don't know much about you all. bye

ADRIAN LAU - 09/20/99 16:32:17
My Email:smackdownhotel77@hotmail.com
From: Singapore

I must say dat I'm really happy to hav met u, proud to get acquainted to THE "LADY-KILLER" of NUS. the no. of guyz dat r attracted 2 u iz 2 overwhelming dat I'm lost 4 words!!! R all indonesia gals Lady-killers or wat???

kat - 08/22/99 05:53:38
My Email:kat@singapore_kopitiam
From: kat

ermm....tot i've signed this...but looks like i've not... well done...nice hp...cute photos... anyway all the best for your studies...good luck.. dun stress me up with the malay plzz....*griN*

Idris - 07/31/99 11:52:21
My URL:http://victorian.fortunecity.com/austen/709
My Email:miahas9@tm.net.my
From: my

Semoga suskses selalu !!! Salam Sejahtera Dari Kami;


~~ Kami Menunggu Dengan Penuh Mesra ~~

TwistedFate:) - 07/24/99 02:12:30
My Email:twistedfate@angelfire.com

if you are intrested in reading the whole conan series come to Singapore and i lend it to you and yes i already mention that you are pretty :D~~~ heehee hope to see you on the irc again take care if you are intrested to be a friend add me on icq NO: 36463671 nick TwistedFate(what else.HeeHee.)

*nulnix* - 07/23/99 15:47:18
My Email:lun@quackquack.com

never told me u got hp wan.. *hmph* anyway, this is the 1st time i see ur pic... wah, very pretty gal! :) nice hp too~ ^_^ *hugz* nix.

TwistedFate - 07/23/99 15:32:11
My Email:twistedfate@angelfire.com

you a really pretty

david - 07/19/99 13:53:24
My Email:betbeder_david@hotmail.com
From: france

i find your site,funny. mail me as soon as possible sign:the frenchi touch

nikken - 07/05/99 09:08:40
My Email:nicholas_ken@usa.net
From: jakarta

kaga gua sangka, diem-diem jago juga yah bikin homepagenya.

Ryan Giggs - 07/04/99 12:13:59
My Email:quiver_silver@hotmail.com
From: jakarta

He He miauw! gile bagus banget! cuma sayang gambarnya kurang banyak,tapi loe jenius en hebat!gua musti belajar banyak dari loe tentang internet and many things! (kalo bisa gambar Ryan Giggsnya diadakan ,kalo perlu minjem gua) he he he! ada salam tambahan ari Sheva Ramirez! That's all folks!

- 06/19/99 08:07:00


Desmond - 06/13/99 18:47:39
My Email:www.@yanbin.com
From: s'pore

Tis wasa beri nice homepage i hope u remember who i am.Frenz is me i tok to ya n left my add. but i guez it should be ok to juz e-mail me okie tc of yrself bye

Ba2S - 06/12/99 07:45:18
My URL:http://surf.to/ba2s
From: S'toon, CAN

mantap oiiiiiiiii......met kenal ya, hehehehehehe....

Ba2S hommie

Vincent Ho - 06/10/99 14:59:18
My Email:
From: Spore

Hi..MiaW.. be a good gal..and visit koko okay?

IRRIL - 06/07/99 13:55:01
My Email:darmaw52@centrin.net.id
From: jakarta

hp loe bagus!!! salam kenal aja dari gue e-mail gue yach!! hope we can be friends =>p

IRRIL - 06/07/99 13:54:53
My Email:darmaw52@centrin.net.id
From: jakarta

hp loe bagus!!! salam kenal aja dari gue e-mail gue yach!! hope we can be friends =>p

Chew Sai Kit - 05/29/99 15:54:31
My Email:cklein88@hotmail.com
From: Kuala Lumpur

What a nice and cute homepage. Keep up the good work. Add more photos of u and ur girlfriends. haha...Glad to have u as my friend.

Chew Sai Kit - 05/29/99 15:54:11
My Email:cklein88@hotmail.com
From: Kuala Lumpur

What a nice and cute homepage. Keep up the good work. Add more photos of u and ur girlfriends. haha...Glad to have u as my friend.

kacy - 05/28/99 16:02:02
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/Tokyo/Garden/8237/
My Email:koolcat@magix.com.sg

cool homepage.... well.. keep it up... and a very very nice cat...

Lim kim han - 05/25/99 09:03:00
My Email:limkim@singnet.com.sg
From: singapore

i get to know is website through u from irc thank for giving mi this chance to visit ur webpage something to comment on is u shall be more consistent in term of the background and other too pretty cute website thank

endi - 05/22/99 20:48:26
My URL:http://people.tamu.edu/~aig6668
My Email:endi@tamu.edu
From: home sweet home

update terus dong hompej nya. i don't know u, and u don't know me. tadi abis click click links di guestbook orang laen... keep up the good work.

yosi - 05/14/99 05:25:49
My Email:yosiblue
From: dimane aje

Thanx for the email. Tapi kok dikit banget sih, makanya kalo bangun tidur tuh mandi dulu, baru ngerjain yang lain. Biar seger... O ya, kapan mau ngasih alamat elo, biar gue juga bisa segera ngasih elo photo, tapi jangan kasih tahu Acit ya, gue pengen bikin dia penasaran dan kesel. Gimana ama ebtanasnya, sukses donk ? Gue doain yang the best buat elo deh ! Sering2 email gue ya, tapi yang kocak dan funky ...

yosi again - 05/03/99 08:28:30
My Email:yosiblue@mailcity.com
From: blok m

Aha, finally I can see all your pictures. Biar mampus lue. Gue udah tau elo, sedangkan elo belom (bisa) ngeliat cute face gue. Fair khan ? Rasain ... Oya, bilang ke Acit, gue udah tau mukegile die. Ternyata cuma segitu toh yang dia bangga-banggain sebagai kata CAntik. Perasaan biasa aja tuh. Bilangin ke dia dgn kata2 yg bikin jutek dia ya, biar dia semakin kesel ama gue. Okay Gue belom bisa janji kapan gue akan ngirim photo, abis gue minder, tampang gue amburadul semua. Ngerti khaan .... See ya soon

yosi donk - 05/03/99 08:14:45
My Email:yosiblue@mailcity.com
From: Blok m

Allow, gue baru aja nonton Psycho, bikin pusing tuh film... Elo pergi ke Lippo ngapain ? Bukannya besok Ebtanas dan tes TOEFL ? Woy, gue mau memperjelas untuk ngeliat foto Luee and Astrid nih. Awas ya kalo ternyata elo jelek ... Gue ngga akan talk 2U agai .. Becanda tau ! Soalnya selama ini khan elo sering over PD. Bye now ...

yosi - 05/02/99 09:36:03
My Email:yosiblue.mailcity.com
From: jakarta donk

hai, ternyata gue udah bisa ngeliat foto loe. Sayangnya gue bingung, elo dan Astrid yang mana ? Soalnya kok pada ngga berekor semua ... Becanda !Oya, gue udah bikin email sendiri atas bantuan seseorang yang ngga gue kenal. Baik ya dia ? Sering2 kirimin gue email ya ? Nanti deh gue kirimin elo my cutest picture. Talk 2u later, Bye

yosi - 05/02/99 09:36:01
My Email:yosiblue.mailcity.com
From: jakarta donk

hai, ternyata gue udah bisa ngeliat foto loe. Sayangnya gue bingung, elo dan Astrid yang mana ? Soalnya kok pada ngga berekor semua ... Becanda !Oya, gue udah bikin email sendiri atas bantuan seseorang yang ngga gue kenal. Baik ya dia ? Sering2 kirimin gue email ya ? Nanti deh gue kirimin elo my cutest picture. Talk 2u later, Bye

yosi - 05/02/99 09:31:47
My Email:yosiblue.mailcity.com


yosi...lagi - 05/02/99 09:00:27
From: citraland

Merlien, foto lu ada di mana ? Gue bingung nyarinya. Kasih tahu donk .... Oya, ternyata chatting enak juga yah... Jadi mau dan mau lagi !Padahal gue benci banget ama komputer ... sounds weird, huh .......

yosi...lagi - 05/02/99 08:58:53
From: citraland

Merlien, foto lu ada di mana ? Gue bingung nyarinya. Kasih tahu donk .... Oya, ternyata chatting enak juga yah... Jadi mau dan mau lagi !Padahal gue benci banget ama komputer ... sounds weird, huh .......

yosi - 05/02/99 08:52:22
From: Citraland

Hi... like I've said to you before I hate playing with computers. But now I"ll try to forget about it. I can't check your picture yet coz the Mbak yang jagain is so dummy. She doesn't get what I meant. Phone me, please ... My Hp no is 0812-9324275. Miss y , and talk 2U later !!

yosi - 05/02/99 08:52:19
From: Citraland

Hi... like I've said to you before I hate playing with computers. But now I"ll try to forget about it. I can't check your picture yet coz the Mbak yang jagain is so dummy. She doesn't get what I meant. Phone me, please ... My Hp no is 0812-9324275. Miss y , and talk 2U later !!

Tecumseh - 04/22/99 20:36:42
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/TimesSquare/Fortress/1581/index.htm
My Email:feylamia@hotmail.com
From: Germany

Hey, Miauw! Where is my link? Are you forgetting your penpal from Germany? :,-( Nice pics. Have you gone crazy lately? ;-) Seeya! Soeren aka Tecumseh

david - 04/22/99 17:45:09
My Email:davidchi79@hotmail.com
From: m'sia

very good n nice u r very beautiful girl n ur friend too

Jiajia - 04/04/99 10:24:27
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/area51/quadrant/8327/
My Email:jjloh@singnet.com.sg
From: Sammi

HarloWWZ! cute cute homepage! but u shld add more guys pic lahhh...haii...:P

dixon - 04/02/99 17:33:55
My Email:dixonta@hotmail.com
From: perth

wahhhh....keren juga lo HPnya, tapi foto elo sendiri terlalu kecil tuuuhh, wajah merlien yang manisss kagak jelas deh jadinya (ciee ileeehhh)

Soeren "Tecumseh" Assmann - 02/18/99 12:46:23
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/TimesSquare/Fortress/1581/index.htm
My Email:feylamia@hotmail.com
From: Germany

Hey, Merlien! I tried to write you an E-Mail, but failed. Now I'll write to the adress in your Homepage. Nice one. I'll keep the Birthday-Pic for my gallery, ok? Color up your life! Tecumseh

Saber 007 - 02/09/99 12:55:33
My URL:http://belom.jadi.com.au/dan.mungkin.nggak.pernah.bakal.jadi.html
My Email:ywiputra@usa.net
From: Australia

Hoiii Miauw.....nggak nyangka kalo loe punya homepage...keren loh!!! Foto2nya juga sip sip, gua jadi tau tampang loe (walaupun masih kira2 hehehe) Email gua donk! =)

AH AIK - 02/07/99 04:00:07
From: your neighbour contries

Hah nice homepage cute, very cool pics but your pics can't view.....

Lupan - 12/23/98 20:38:08
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/Tokyo/4633/xindex.html
My Email:arukka@hotmail.com
From: Los Angeles (former Tokyo)

hihihih miau miau meong! semuanya buasar buasar amet gue jadi gak perlu pake kontak nih... eh picnya lagi donk masa cuman gitu aja tapi gak papa deh bagusan skrg hihihihi

Adam's Apple - 12/23/98 20:28:42
My URL:http://www.miauw.com
My Email:apple@indosat.net.id
From: Jakarta

suiiiiitttttt suiiiiiiittttttt *wink wink*

Adam's Apple - 12/23/98 20:28:22
My URL:http://www.miauw.com
My Email:apple@indosat.net.id
From: Jakarta


lina - 12/20/98 00:59:52
My Email:lmt11@pacific.net.sg
From: lena (kji)


Cornelius - 12/04/98 12:12:23
My Email:chewinggum@pacific.net.sg
From: singapore

hi!juz to tell u i've been here....

MaineCoon - 11/21/98 17:50:43
My Email:joycelym@email.com
From: MaineCoon

Hi hi ! came here thru your abang homepage. So this is how Japanese kuching looks like huh ! :-p Your homepage can add more spice in it ? a little too "ching chai" leh.... lol !

feRn - 11/14/98 05:37:14
My Email:ferngully@iname.com
From: ferngully

ur cartoon pics...so adorable and sweet....*smile*...but i feel that u look sweeter than them :)

d|g|TeK / Zechar|ah - 11/11/98 16:45:06
My Email:hanson75@hotmail.com
From: kampung

:)) nothing to say leh :))

gilbert - 11/06/98 08:29:51
My Email:gilking79@hotmail
From: malaysia

great homepage..........:)

joyce wonsono - 11/04/98 13:55:36
My Email:yellow.jar@pacific.net.sg
From: s'pore

great homepage....wah merl.....u look nice in the pix......welll keep in touch u hear?

margie - 10/24/98 05:34:35
My Email:csakura@yahoo.com
From: somewhere out there...

sepi aje......

rUf - 10/23/98 15:57:21
My URL:http://web.access.net.au/~atan/index.htm
My Email:ruF@oocities.com
From: why they ask again huh???

Sistor ah... Finally @@ how you look like liao... But you have not show me your angel eyes look yet leh?... More more picture please? I give you so much picture you give me so little?? A bit the lop-sided rite?... balance balance a bit lah... Cute animate gif you have... kekeke....

Master Lenn Lenn - 10/23/98 15:44:04
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/SouthBeach/Cove/9478
My Email:lennlee@pacific.net.sg
From: Singapore

Hehehe my favourite student ah....finally ur master gets to see ur cute face liao....not bad leh....now got more homepage than me wor...LOL...i guess u really have graduated with flying colours....KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK !

Herfin - 10/21/98 08:16:41
My Email:vins@centrin.net.id


Deli Ah Man - 10/20/98 23:14:19
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/de/Delifrance
My Email:slmdeli@globility.com
From: Hong Kong

Oi~~ nice homepage leh...:) Good job, but how come no IRC friends' piczzz??????????? nice time remember to put loh...okie?? kekekeke

DD - 10/19/98 02:35:02
My Email:devil_disguise@hotmail.com
From: deedee (who else?!)

:) Na.....no need to comment mah! :)

!DaNiL! - 10/03/98 15:59:58
My Email:tancwei@tm.net,my
From: MAS.PHG .


!DaNiL! - 10/03/98 15:58:55


R. Tamayo - 09/26/98 18:34:19
My Email:Otnnie@hotmail.com

Aduh Merlien, Homepage Luh Yang bener yang mana sih? Tapi gua udah sign dua-duanya. Yang ini homepage lu yang kedua ya? Ok Merlien segini aja yach! Bye...!

Imel - 09/24/98 14:15:32
My Email:montella09@hotmail.com
From: jkt

Lucu mer, kalo bisa sih gif animated-nya banyakan lucu sih! :) Gua ada usul, gimana kalo taro pic gua yg gede di main page? hehehe..ntar banyak yg ngefans lagi :Plo scan pic lo donk yg sendiri!

Nikolas Ade William - 09/23/98 03:07:46
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/Paris/Lights/3630
My Email:erlangshen@hotmail.com
From: underworld

Hahaha, akhirnya bisa liat tampang loe juga! Ok juga HPnya! Keep it up! U're doing great!

Anton Sugiarto - 09/21/98 16:36:25
My URL:http://nothinx.com
My Email:chaozcao@hotmail.com
From: Jakarta

Mer...KEREN juga luch homepage lu. lu ternyata kreatif juga yach...hehe... Mer serink* aza dech update lu punya homepage. OCE....YUPPIE... =P

Martinus - 09/21/98 14:42:57
My URL:http://www.doesnotexist.com
My Email:nuts@diffy.com
From: Martinus

Once again..you've done a fuckin great job! Fill it up with more cool stuff, ok!

Richard Julian - 09/20/98 16:29:45
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~RJulian/index.html
My Email:richard@centrin.net.id

totemo kawaii!!, keep up the good work

Ho - 09/20/98 16:27:58
My Email:waileong@netscape.net
From: Malaysia

A CuTe HoMePaGe By My SiStEr SiEn2 ... Of CoZ Is NiCe !!! WeLlDoNe Si KuChInG :)

Antonius - 09/20/98 16:18:26
My Email:dewa20@hotmail.com
From: Jakarta

heheheh isi apaan yah disini gue bingung nih jadinya gue asal ngoceh aja yah khan ngak papa yang penting ada tulisan lagian menurut gue hp loe bagus kok cuman sayangnya koq ngak ada poto close upnya yah ... sayang tuh padahal cakep2 koq ngak ada poto clos upnya khan sayang ngak ada yang naksir ntar deh hauhaauauah udah ah lumayan banyak khan lagian email2 gue yah

yong - 09/20/98 15:06:14
My Email:wahbiang@singnet.com.sg
From: singapura

cuteeeeeeeeeeeeeeee site :) well done!! *pat*pat*

Merl - 09/20/98 14:18:14
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/Tokyo/Harbor/4780
My Email:merl@mailcity.com
From: Jakarta

testing doang oi :P !!

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