Amy says that the secret to a successful club is if all the members contribute towards all the fun things that go on. Here is a list of jobs you might like to look through before you join.

You could be a(n)...

Regular Member: There's no specific job, you're here because you love Sailor Moon!

Advisor: You act as a communications link to me by sending me e-mails of any suggestions that might improve the club.

Guardian Senshi: As a Guardian Senshi, you are to protect the well-being of all members and to help protect the spirit of Sailor Moon.

Graphic Designer: It's your job to make badges, banners and other graphics for the club (NOTE: Any graphics you send me must be contained in a ZIP file so I can access them easier).

Activity Coordinator (meaning, you could choose to set up polls, awards, contests, festivals, etc. for other members)

Writer/Reporter: If you would like to set up a club newsletter, you could write fanfics, stories and Moonie goings-on for it.

Advertiser: Your job is to promote and spread the word about the club. Some examples of how to do so include putting a badge up on your page, posting messages and even joining the club web ring.

Prince/Princess/Guardian/Ambassador of your favorite planet/character: This is like all the jobs combined into one, so you can do whatever you like to help the club.

Royal Court Jobs:

To apply for a Royal Court job, you must send me some ideas/samples of your best work or reasons why you would like that job. Send me an e-mail if you'd like to apply for a Royal Court position. They include:

Head Graphic Designer
Head Activity Coordinator
Assistant(s) to the Queen
Secretary or Treasurer