In August as you may recall, a person named "Cheerleader" trashed our club, but just recently, the president of Moonbeams: A Sailor Senshi Club had placed a note on the message board saying that this campaign is an attack on their club. In consideration for Sailor Sun, the president of Moonbeams and their members, as well as all of us in the Moonbeam Club, Project Moonbeam will now focus on ending Sailor Moon hate rather than flaming other people for what they say. I hope you can continue to support this project, because I know together we can make Sailor Moon cyberspace a better place for all Moonies.
Let's end the hate...together.

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In the meantime, I also encourage you to put one of these special graphics below on your page, telling everyone that Sailor Moon is a great ambassador to all. Spread the word to others, help make them aware of this issue and maybe become a part of the club. We can make Sailor Moon cyberspace a little friendlier if we all work together.
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