The Stuff Page
Here is where members can get stuff for their pages. It's like a little reward for being a member. True, non-members can go here too, but please don't take anything here unless you are a member. I made a lot of it myself!
Arigato gozaimasu and thank you!
Backrounds (for webpages)
Here's a Windows backround from Hotaru-chan! Arigatou!
Also some little buttons to use on your page.
Here's a Seiya and Usagi Winamp Skin for your WinAmp player donated graciously by usako and MaXxX. If you don't have WinAmp (it's a file that can play Mp3 and more) go here to download it. To install (after WinAmp is already installed) unzip the file to \Programs Files\WinAmp\Skins (or wherever you put your WinAmp, respectively) and it should make a directory called MoonAmp-Love by itself. Then you can change the skin in WinAmp by pressing Alt+S while in WinAmp.
Well, that's all I have at the moment. Anyone feel like making me a backround or a button or something related to Seiya and/or Usagi? ^_^