Raye's Romantic Reading List

(I've added more, but Raye still wants more...if you know of one I haven't listed, tell me!)[  This is just not

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Title Author Review
Guardians of the Millenium: Into the Fire
Alina It's my page, I can push my own fics if I want ;). Actually, this is part of a series, but if you look around my page you'll know that. This one focusses on Raye though, exploring what happens when Jaedite returns from the dead (ok, so that's not original)--> and Raye decides she loves Chad. Who happens to get engaged to someone else. Who happens to needs Raye's help.
General Commentary
Fushigi Kismet Jaedite's thoughts about Rei...very romantic, and well written (like everything by Kismet! Definitely read her other works. Now.) Check her stuff out at A Sailor Moon Romance/font>
Fire Senshi's Realm
unknown Jaedite and Rei. Available at "Our Thanks" Section . I haven't read this, but someone sent me the name. Thanks, you know who you are!
Alternate Reality
Strike Fiss Again, I haven't read it, but it was a page fan suggestion. Available at the "Crystal Canada" website.
--Various ones--
Wolfbyte Again, I haven't read any but it was a page fan suggestion that all the stories by WolfByte focus on Rei. Check out the "Tales from Sailor Moon’s Universe: Website"
Mars Fire Ignite
Soumitra Choudary Rei gets a secret admirer, and also discovers new powers within herself. Part of a series all focussed on Rei, and it's really well written. Check her stuff out at A Sailor Moon Romance
Shieldsman Christopher “God-Boy” AngelHaven't read this, but someone suggested this. It's at Christopher “God-Boy” Angel’s fanfiction: under the “Sailor Moon”
“Shadowfist” Eric Metcalf Again, one I haven't read. You can find it at A Sailor Moon Romance under Stories by Author--M. I can't link to the story directly, that would be "stealing bandwidth". It would slow down SMR, without giving that site owner the "count" of your visit (and if you pay for access that matters).
“New Companion for the Fight” & “One Step Beyond” Scott JohnsonAnother suggestion. Available at A Sailor Moon Romance under Stories by Author J.
“The Enter Orion” SeriesJessieFind this at Jessie’s 6th Step Productions Under “The Enter Orion” Series. I haven't read this, it was a helpful fan suggestion.
Courage Under FireImok (aka Pekkle99883) Finally, one I've read. ;). At least, part of it so far. And so far, I think you'll like it. Serena decides the only way to help Rei is to bring Jaedite back so Rei can forgive him...and maybe, fall in love with him. Serena, that matchmaker extraordinaire...but of course, this *is* Rei we're talking about so things won't be so easy!. You'll find this on the author's homepage--Courage Under Fire. The author has a small fanfic archive off that site, too, once you're there.
“Burning Love”Kim NguyenFind this at A Sailor Moon Romance Under N of course. Set during the Silver Millenium this tells how Jaedite and Raye, two old friends, start to realize that the friendship they've had is not enough. Cute, with some scenes that made me laugh, so even though some of the settings/plot seem familiar (lets face it there isn't a lot of variety in these Guardian/Scout pairings, it always invovles a ball if its during the Silver Millenium...;)I'm guilty of that too) Somehow though, just when things start to get good, the story stops. I believe there is a sequel which I haven't read. But if its like this first par, it'll be worth reading.
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