The Voice Behind The Face

Hello all, and welcome to the Sailor Sirius Sounds Page! ^_~ Here, you will finally get to hear the voice behind the many faces of Sailor Sirius. I know it's kind of small now, but hopefully through time, it will grow just as much as the Gallery has. In the meantime, please enjoy what is offered so far. Much and love to the official voice of Sailor Sirius, Kousagi Powelle. You rock girlfriend! ^_^

Voice recording by Kousagi Powelle

Sirius Star Power..Make up!"- Sailor Sirius yelling her henshin phrase.

Usagi!"-Tanya sounding a little teed off at Usagi. ^_^

Sirius Emerald Star Power....Make up!-Super Sailor Sirius yelling her henshin phrase.

Sailor Chibi-Sirius/Tilly

Voice recording by C-chan.

Chibi-Sirius yelling her attack phase.

Chibi-Sirius giving her challenge speech.

Tilly trying to speak English. Kawaii! ^-^

Voice recording by SailorStarMaker

Sailor Sirius shouting out one of her more powerful attacks, "Sirius Gravity Devestation!" I love the background music in this! ^.^ NEW!

That's about it for now. I hope you enjoyed it. Please let me know if your experience any problems. I'm always open for comments and suggestions.

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