The Lotus Sutra

     Kuan Yin Bodhisattva, an emanation of Amida Buddha's compassion, is the "Regarder of
    the Cries of the World." In the footnotes/links section below are some images of this
    Universal Bodhisattva, who is sometimes referred to in the West as the Goddess of
    Mercy. (Note: Avalokitesvara means "Kuan Yin" in Sanskrit, the language of early India,
    from an earlier time when The Cry Regarder was depicted as a male figure. "Kuan Yin" is
    Chinese; "Kannon" is Japanese.)

    The following brief excerpt was adapted (notably changing "he" to "she") from the
    chapter on the Bodhisattva Regarder of the Cries of the World, in the W. E. Soothill
    translation of The Lotus Sutra (The Lotus of the Wonderful Law, published by Curzon Press):

    "Listen to the deeds of the Cry-Regarder,

    Who well responds to every quarter;

    Vast is her vow as deep the sea,

    Age-long, and inconceivable.

    Who hears her name and looks to her,

    Unremittingly remembering her,

    Will end the sorrows of existence.

                  *         *        *

    Sorrows of birth, age, disease, death,

    All will thus be ended.

    True regard, serene regard,

    Far-reaching, wise regard,

    Regard of pity, regard compassionate,

    Ever longed for, ever looked for,

    In radiance ever pure and serene!

    Wisdom's sun, destroying darkness,

    Subduer of woes, of storm, of fire,

    Illuminator of the world!

    Law of pity, thunder quivering,

    Compassion wondrous as a great cloud,

    Pouring spiritual rain like nectar,

    Quenching all the flames of distress!

                *         *        *

    Voice of the Regarder, wondrous voice,

    Voice of the rolling tide, Brahma-voice,

    Voice all world-surpassing,

    Ever to be cherished in mind

    With never a doubting thought.

    World's Cry-Regarder, pure and holy,

    In pain, distress, in death or woe,

    Potent as a sure reliance,

    Perfect in every virtuous merit,

    All-beholding with eyes of pity,

    Boundless ocean-store of blessings!

    Prostrate, let us make obeisance."


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