Some Buddhist Deities

Amitabha Buddha
Amitabha Buddha is the "Buddha of Infinite Light. One of his great vows was to establish a Pure Land known as Sukhavati, the Western Paradise. One who is able to call on Amitabha's name with "an undivided mind" will be reborn there, and never have to endure rebirths in the cyclic suffering of samsara. The Maha Twin Lotus Ponds, the siddhi (fruition) of the True Buddha School Dharma, are an extension of the Western Paradise.

Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva, known as Kuan Yin to the Japanese and Chinese, and Chenresig to the Tibetans, is the bodhisattva who most embodies compassion. The name Avalokitesvara has its root meaning as "he who observes the sounds of the world". The great vow of Avalokitesvara is to listen to the supplications, and cries for help from those in difficulty in t he world and to provide them with aid. He takes many different forms....male, female, four-armed, thousand-armed, human, non-human, teacher, student...whatever expedient means are needed to help people most effectively.

Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva
Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva is often referred to, because of his vow to not achieve Buddhahood until "all the Hells are empty", as the Bodhisattva of the Hell beings. But his vow actually encompasses all sentient beings, being similar to that of Living Buddha Lien-shen, who vows to reveal all the secrets of even the hidden teachings, in order to save sentient beings, even if he has to suffer retribution, even the pulverization of his bones and flesh.

Maha Cundi Bodhisattva
Maha Cundi Bodhisattva is known as the "mother of Buddhas. The various Dharma implements she holds represent the many skillful means of Tantra.

Medicine Buddha
Medicine Buddha has made a vow to help those who call upon him when ill or injured, and to aid those who revere him to achieve a long and healthy life. As Amitabha is the Buddha of the Pure Land of the Western Paradise, the Medicine Buddha is the Buddha of the Pure Land of the Eastern Paradise.

Padmasambhava is the patron saint of Tibetan Buddhism, where he is known as Guru Rinpoche. Often called the "second Buddha". Padmasambhava brought Tantric Buddhism into Tibet, where he subjugated the native sorcery of the Bon religion, and, in fact, recruited many of their fierce deities as guardians of the Dharma. His vow is to always be around to reveal and expound upon the Dharma in many magical and wonderful ways. It was he who taught the Tantra to Grand Master Lu.

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