Kuan Yin as Ascended Master

     "Ascended Masters are enlightened Spiritual Beings who lived on Earth, faced the same challenges we
     face today and reunited with God. Today They serve as the Teachers of mankind from the Realms of
     Spirit. They guide, protect, inspire and heal mankind. They are Teachers in the truest sense of the
     word. They can help us grow in any area of our lives and achieve the real purpose of life: to become
     One with God in the Ascension.

     "Through the Ascension, Ascended Masters have mastered time and space and in the process gained
     the mastery of the self in the four lower bodies and the four quadrants of Matter, in the chakras and the
     balanced Threefold Flame. An Ascended Master has also transmuted at least 51 percent of his karma,
     fulfilled His Divine Plan, and taken the initiations of the Ruby Ray unto the ritual of the Ascension –
     acceleration by the Sacred Fire into the Presence of the God-Self. Ascended Masters inhabit the planes
     of Spirit, the Kingdom of God (God's Consciousness), and may teach unascended souls in an etheric
     retreat or in the etheric cities on the etheric plane (the Kingdom of Heaven)."

     "It is important for students and people to come to realize that all Ascended Beings are Real, Tangible
     Beings. Their Bodies are not physical but They can make Them as tangible as our physical bodies are.
     They live by the Power of Light, by the Power of Energy, by that Stream of Light as shown on the
     Chart, coming from the Heart of the Presence into our physical bodies. They have entered into that
     Presence, therefore They no longer have to call It forth. They have the use of this Energy in the various
     Qualifications. Through thought and feeling They can mold It into whatever is required. As blood flows
     through the physical body, that Light flows through Their Bodies. That Light beats Their Hearts and
     carries the Energy through Their Bodies. Their Hearts and Bodies have become all Light Substance.
     The Activity of Light Radiates from the Heart giving the body a Pink Glow. Our bodies constantly
     change - because in building them, past qualification of energy and substance is utilized, while the
     Ascended Ones retain Theirs Eternally, because Their Activity is Reality.

     "The Ascended Master Activity is very Practical and Natural, although it may seem Transcendent from
     the human sense. When we understand That and can feel It, then They can give greater Assistance. By
     giving our attention first to the Presence and then to an Ascended Being, that Ray of Light and
     Radiance from us goes right to the Master. No matter where He is, He knows it - and by directing His
     Attention through Consciousness - He comes back on that Ray of Light and knows what is required.
     Mankind feels that the Ascended Master is so far beyond the human being that it was impossible to
     reach Him. Yet many times He has wanted to come close and give Assistance, but could not because
     the individual's feeling held Him so far away."

     The Ascended Masters are the "Teachers" of mankind referred to by the prophet Isaiah (chapter 30,
     verses 20 - 21): " . . . yet shall not thy Teachers be removed into a corner any more, but thine eyes
     shall see thy Teachers, and thine ears shall hear a word behind thee, saying, 'This is the Way, walk ye
     in it'."

                " . . . But the Souls of the Upright are in the Hand of God, and there shall no
                misery touch Them. In the eye of the unenlightened, the Upright seem to die
                after Their departure. And Their departure is taken for misery, and Their
                going from us to be utter destruction: but They are in Peace. For though, in
                the sight of the unenlightened They may have seemed to suffer punishment in
                life, yet Their hope is of Immortality. And having been a little chastised in
                that life, They shall be greatly rewarded: for God put Them to the test,
                purifying them, and found Them worthy for Himself. As gold in the furnace
                has He tried Them, and received Them as an offering. And in the time of
                Their judgement, Their Light shall shine, running to and fro as sparks run
                through the stubble. They shall judge nations, and have dominion over their
                people, and Their God shall reign in them forever. They that trust in Him shall
                come to understand the Truth: and the Faithful Ones shall live with Him in
                Love: for Grace and Mercy await His Holy Ones, and He intervenes on
                behalf of His Chosen. . . . "

                                 Book of Wisdom,  Chapter 3, verses 1 - 9 (1)



        1.Book of Wisdom,  Chapter 3, verses 1 - 9; Catholic Bible

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