Welcome to Princess Serenity's Sailor Moon Page

visitors have been here since August 7th at 8pm. I've been here 65 times to see if things are working. I'm looking for the 2600th, 2700th, 2800th, 2850th, 2900, 3000th, 3100th visitors, if you're #2600, 2700, 2800, 2850, 2900, 3000 or 3100, please send the counter graphic here and you'll win a customized award for your site ^_^

History of this page: this page was created on August 7th at 8pm, 1998 and was last updated on November 12th

I won't be updating this site for a while (at least a week) so if you send anything in it may take a while for me to get back to you

What's new here? November 8th: won three awards


My email is broken so I can't answer award applications and stuff like that

I've added a quicker way to navigate my site. You can still use the old way if you want

Here are the places to go on my page

Image Gallery

My Transparent Gifs

Take My Poll

Take a look at my Cyber-Pets

Send or Receive a Virtual Postcard- may not be working yet

My Birthday Card Center

Who has signed up already for Birthday Cards?

My Chat Room

My Second Chat Room-not as fun but still cool

Win My Award

Pages That Have Won My Awards

Awards I've Won

Clubs I've joined

Web Rings I'm A Part Of

Give Me Some Feedback


Link to my Site

What's New Here???

Sign My Guestbook

View My Guestbook

Moon Power Ranking System

Rank(1=AWFUL!!! and 10=EXCELLENT!!)

Rank this Sailor Moon site on the
(1=Poor . . . 10=Excellent)

I was ranked #14 for September 1998

A lot of people have come here just to cheat so that they can get higher rankings on the SMWPR! If you're here to cheat I hope you're feeling guilty! Last month someone ranked me #1 about 10 times and I know that on the last day of every month, people come to rank my site down!!! You know who you are....

If you want to put a link to this page on your page, please use my banner. I have other banners, if you'd like to see them, please go here

Please vote for me! Click to join!