Letters of Love!

I'm Baaaack! Cause all these people can't be wrong! ^_^

Hey Girl!! Don't lose heart!! So far I've only got 60 some people through my site and half are me. Don't worry about how people are telling you to run your site!! Who cares what they think? Here this is an award I think you deserve, The award for a Cute Site! I jus love your xmas background!!! Here's my link Don't lose heart!!

I think that your page is very nice. I really would like to know where I can get a hold of the christmas stuff you have. I have looked all over and have found nothing yet. I hope to return to your page soon. Keep up the good work. :) Yvonne

u know i love ur site, so....DON'T U DARE CLOSE IT! if u close it, i am going to kick ur little @ss. LMAO. just kidding, i like ur site, its so ROMANTIC, and keep up the good work sweetie ^_^ ignore the morons who are giving u a hard time. laters ur friend SC

I just surfed on to your site looking for screen shots to help a friend, And I want to say that it sucks to have jerks critsize you. I have been trying to make a site for months. But I am always screwd over by the webspace people, or sent cruel E-mail. So I fill sorry for your plieght and hope you can start up your site soon to. PS do you have any spare Screen shots I could have? Dracon Storm

Hi Rei-Chan, So sorry to hear that you intended to close down the site. When we do a site for others to see, first of all, we need to know that it's mean for public viewing, which means each are entiltied to their own opinions on what's nice and what's not. Therefore, we can't satisify all our visitors's preferences.. Dont be disheartened by negative feedback. There are 2 kinds of negative feedback which we usually see. The first is constructive negative feedback. They will tell u WHY the site is not good, WHICH area needs improvement and they may even suggest ways to improve. these type of feedback are definitely more valueable than the second type. The second type is the abuse ones. they will tell u ur site sucks, but never why. So it's important not to take such emails personally. They could be sent by some jealous pple etc....
Best Regards Snow White.

P.S: don't cry anymore. don't give up so easily..

I know how hard it is to make a good web site. I'm sorry you got lotsa flame emails, but you're always going to get those. They come as a package deal. It's like the first boyfriend comes with the first heartbreak. Don't worry about it. I know it's frustrating, cause people are always telling ME my links don't work when they work on MY computer. You don't have to sound so sad over a web page, ne? There's lotsa things to do that are more fun than managing a site. *~Neo~*

Hi! Thank you for telling us about your swan song, we have added it to the others. It is really sad that you had to close down your page because of nasty emails. Of course we would like to see the original page. Yours Raven and Huntress

I'm sorry to see your website gone...my 14 year old daughter and I just found it night before last. This was my first chance back in. I thought it was wonderful, what I did get to see. I would love to see more. Kara and I really enjoyed going thru the mother and daughter segment together. How can I get in to see the rest? Is there a way? Please let me know.... Patrice

Hi Lisa!! It's me! (Maria) I finally got the time to visit your site, and I think it's WONDERFUL!!! You just never-mind about all those negative e-mails!! I loved your site, but by changing it because of the negative e-mails, your letting the "bad" guys win! And then you go about telling them so!!! You have a WINNER here! My congratulations to a really "FUN" and "ENTERTAINING" SITE!! I loved it!! **Maria

Hi! We have visited your page and it is depressing that you want to close down this promising place. Your ideas for improving pictures and make galleries for various topics are original and interesting. Why did you get only nasty mails for this place? Yours Raven and Huntress

well i've never been 2 your site couse it was closed right now but i think it has a cool back round. i don't like that part ( when Darrien dumps her) but i still like the picture caouse her eyes get so small when she crys well at least thats what it looks like in the picture.the picture thats black & white looks sad i thinks it when Darrien is about 2 die?? am i right? well could u please tell me? u don't ahve 2 if u don't want 2 though. i think umm i hope i spell this right piciccu well any way he is cute. thats cool u won an award i mean i don't even no how 2 make a website so considering u made 1 & got an award that great for me! & as for those mean people they just don't care. i bet they don't even no how 2 make a website (opps thats kindda making fun of my self) well i say put it back up. i bet it's a great website no matter what those mean people say.whos your favorite scout? i can't deside i think it sailor moon, chibi moon, jupiture, mars, venus, mecury, uraus, saturn, pluto, neptune, chibi chibi moon, & tuxedo mask. hehe i guess that all og them. i've never seen the shows w/ the outer scouts caouse i'm in the u.s. & cartoon network hasn't got any new shows, but at least they got some new dragonballz show i think thats better than nothing, well your site is GREAT keep up the work girl!! your fan, megan ^_^ ^_~ SMILE u did e GREAT job!!!!!!!!!!

Hi Hi! I just saw the tragic message on the remains of your webpage. I'm really sorry to hear another person has been victimized by internet and felt the need to shut the page down. It's really frustrating to think that the American public in general do'nt have enough respect to let someone express themselves, expecially in such a harmless way. It seems a little odd that manners don't seem to carry over at all into the internet. Listen to me go into another ramble :P Personally, I think you should just ignore the rude, obnoxious e-mails and just concentrate on the good, or constructive ones. I have a webpage, and although it's first recieval wasn't so... ehh... warm, I kept at it, cuz I put a lot of work into it, and had fun doing it anyway. Even if it never became at all popular, that's never what I started the page for. Darn... sorry if I'm starting to sound preachy ^^; Well, n-e-way, you seem like a nice enough person, don't let it get to ya! (besides, if you look, a vast majority of the mean e-mails are PROBABLY from aol ;)

-Greg J. (aka. cLaRiNeTbOy12)

P.P.S.- Boy, I hope I got this address right, or I'm going to feel REALLLLY dumb :D

Though I am only another random stranger emailing you, I just wanted to offer my condolences. I understand the feeling of doing your best and still having complete morons acting like mommies to you. From what I've seen so far, your site has taken a lot of work, and I'm sure that you did your best job on it. Don't give up on something so special. May the Lord be with you. : )


I don't see anything wrong with your site. Your right about that it should be yours to have fun with. I hope your problems have blown over or lightened their load a little. I think that you should continue your site if you have the time!

I'm sorry to hear that people were so heartless. I for one really liked your site. I hope you decide to open it again. :) kristin

Hi, I just wanted to say that I loved your site and I'm upset to see it go. Your page had wonderful picks on it. If you do decide to put it back up please let me know. You see I have a webpage. I don't get alot of time to work on it and I get people trying to tell me how to run it. I just tell them to work on their own and not to worry about mine. Your page was 100 times better then mine so I should know. Moon Princess

well may be you can make a biger and bater site pleace stop at nothing

Hi, My name is Morgan and I am on my fathers screen name . I really think that you should put up the site again because I haven't gotten to see it yet . I don't think that it is right for people to critisize your hard work.I hope your family is doing better. A lot of my friends go to Sailor Moon sites atleast once a week and I'm sure they would like yours. Good luck with your site!

hi, lisafaye. i am a fan of sailor moon as well. i have never been through your site until now. even though i don' t know much about your site i truly doubt that it is as bad as people said. actually i think that if a person is interested in the topic of a site there is nothing to think bad of. you shouldn't let people boss you around after all it is your site. i have seen many sailor moon web sites and hope to see your some day soon. until then see yah.
anotamis (i have bad spelling)

I hope you reopen your site because I really want to see it, but I won't make fun of it. I don't like poeple that make fun of other peoples sites!! I hpoe this is the specail letter you were hoping for. And if it isn't I hope some sends I more caring letter than mine. I hope that this letter makes you want to open your site!! Bye!!

Rei-chan, I clicked to your site today and read your letter on it. I felt compelled to reach out and tell you, its ok. Those people who criticised you, their opinion doesn't count. It doesn't matter what they think is cool, its what you think is cool that really counts. I have learned the hard way that there are people out there that will be cruel. But in the end, I am a better person, and when I am out there making something of my self and they are at home jobless and pennyless with only their computer to keep them company, I'll walk up to them one day and say "who's laughing now?" I think the best advice I can give is *Don't worry about them, for people of that caliber, they live for a short time, then die of cancer.* I hope that your family is better, and I empathize with you for having to deal with that along with the stress of all this negative criticism. Me: been there, done that, better off without it. I had to take care of a sick mother for 6 1/2 years, so I know what it's like to have the stress of being the one that has to be strong for the rest of the family. I will close for now, hoping to hear from you and that maybe we can be friends. Believe me, I am here if you need someone to talk to. A friend, Renn

I feel so sorry for what happened with your site. I never even got to see it. I think your'e right, people shouldn't tell you how to do your site. I've been teased a t school for liking Sailor Moon and I said forget them. They probaly never even seen Sailor Moon. I wish I could help you in some why besides writing this letter. I just read your article about the mean people on the net and just want to band them from the web. I would like to e-mail and tell them a thing or ten. I totally want to do something to make you happy. This letter is not trying to get your sight back up, It a letter of kindness. Bye. I hope you get happy soon. :p

I think your Sailor Moon Website is GREAT!

I'm so sorry about ur hatred e-mails and i know hoe u feel. the people who think they have better sites then other people have to take them for granted. I hope that u work this out and i thing ur site is great! Pleaz check out my site -> Sailor Moon: Planet Princess Me and my friends work on. U can e-mail me at PlanetPrincess@acmecity.com Love, ~*~*Princess Serenity*~*~

Yes I know how people can be that way. But people get fun out of putting people down I think it is a good idea to wait but you should keep trying. You should never give up.

I'm sorry people have been saying bad stuff about your site. But, don't let them get you down. I doubt they could do better. I think any SM site is a good site, so ... there. Well, I better go. Umm... I know you don't know me or anything, but if you want to, you can write me back at SJupiter1010@aol.com Well, I gotta go! Don't let any one get you down! :) Bye!
Always an SM fan, SJupiter1010.

Please, please don't give up. I bookmarked your site because I thought it was great and I read what you posted. Hasn't sailormoon taught you anything? Don't give up even when others are kicking you down. I believe in you and I believe in the powers of what everyone can do. This is coming from the number one sailormoon fan. I just love her. I know that it is a comic and I understand that it is not real, but the message is real. Believe in miracles, believe in love and believe in yourself. She doesn't give up, neither should you! Please, please don't When I think of the future generations who don't know who sailormoon is, I worry. I really think children should be taught these precious morals. Please, belive and you can do it.
So, don't give up.

Hi, my name is alex And i'm really mad, because people shouldn't put bad things about your web site and i think that they are jelause because maybe they can't do a website that looks cool.

Pick Sailor Moon!!

Please can u reopen your site i really loved it! I have had trouble getting in though and I just found out that u had closed it. Please take it into consideration to reopen.

Hi! Hey I'm sorry about your site! I just stumbled on it while surfing and it really sounds like you had put a lot of effort into it! That's just awful that you got so many awful e-mails! And I'm really sorry about your family, my family hasn't been in good shape either lately and I know how hard that is. People should really lighten up and try to see how others are feeling. I wish there weren't people out there to hurt you like they did. That's just not right. I have a site myself and it's kind of insane site and I've had a person come and tell me and my friend to "tone the Insanity down" when we aren't even trying to act like we do on our site. It's just the way me and my friend think. I know that it hurts. I see that you had a romance gallery up! That sounds really cool! I'm a hopeless romantic and since I have no love life of my own all I live off of is romance stories and pictures. I hope that one day you will put up your site again because I'd really like to see it! But if you don't, I'll understand and anyone who doesn't understand isn't fit for this world. People should be more understanding. I hope that you family gets much better and I hope that you don't get any more nasty e-mails! *^_^*
Later! *^_^*

Hello, My name's Tux'sgirl. I'm a SM/Digimon fan fic writer. I've been a fan of SM since the first day it debuted in the US. But anyway, i love image gallery's. And i was so sad when i saw that your's was'nt here. And i loved it, you had such cool pitchures. And i cant believ anyone would say horrible things about your site. THEY SUCK!! But anyway, please bring it back up. I'm sorry to say that my computer doesnt have the juice it needs to send you any images. But i can e-mail you on sites i've found with TONS of pitchures you can visit. Please bring back your wonderful site,

Hi, How are you? I would like it if you could possibly have a small picture gallery for sailor moon. I'm really sorry about what happened on your other sailor moon site. I really enjoyed it!

your cite sounds really good if you have the time, I would love to check the cite when it is reopened .thanx

I am sorry for saying that but u were the first page of sailormoon that I have found and now u are closed? Why? i have a group like 29 people or more who love ur sight please tell me why u closed down :(

oh man. i just went to ur page obviously and what u wrote on the entrance page made me cry. really, it did. it was so sad. im so sorry stupid inconsiderate people have made u feel the way u do. i like ur page, and think it is as good as any on the web! i hope things get better for u, i really do. charaity hubbard (warriormars)

Don't listen to the people who do nothing but criticize. Ten to one, they don't know how difficult it is. Haluka.

I just realalizied somthing. When a site dies, it's because of not being interested with Sailor Moon or mean letters or just didn't want to update. Well, They say don't shut down, I love your site. I like it when people say that. But, while I type this I realalize those rude people Say don't shut down and change there name. Usally, they realalize and say "I learned my Lesson.^_^". - Yet SoMe people after saying this say "On to hurt the next sites feelings!!>_<" Pretty dumb, huh? Well, I hope you understand what I'm trying to say.P.S. (I should know..it's happened to me *_*)

Don't listen to what the criticizers say, my friend. They ain't worth the worry...

Dont get rid of your site! No one can tell you what you can or cant do, no one owns the net, and you are right, websites are just for fun. Keep your site up and ignore those who are just jealous of it!

Please don't delete your site because of those rude people...they aren't worth giving up what you worked so hard on! =^_^= Please cheer up! I'd hate to lose a good site!

I feel so bad for you! >8( Those who hurt you have absolutely no right at all to tell you what you should do.I admire you deeply for putting up with that nonsense for so long; and no I'm not critisizing you but you could have fought back longer and told them to go mess with thier own site. You deserve a medal of honor but as I'm only a begginer 12 year old, I dont know how to do that; but as soon as I learn, I wil give it to you. Please put your site back up. I have so many friends who love these kinds of sites and I for one LOVE them. So please put it back up; I will tell all my friends to come here. I wish I could see what everyone was critisizing you about so I could help you out. I beg you put it back up just to annoy those people who have nothing better to do than critisize you when I fully doubt thiers is better. so bye for now and hope to see your page soon! ^_^ And by the way my name is Samantha but Rakoom is Samantha in Japanese

Rei-Chan: I'm really sorry about your website. I didn't actually get a chance to see it, but I've seen other sites that have been closed down for the same reasons. I don't have a website of my own, cause I hear they're a lot of work, but I commend you and anyone else out there who puts all that time and effort into a nice website that no one can say anything good about. I think it's wrong of people to criticize other people's websites because they ruin it for other people like me who never get the chance to see wonderful websites. I hope that one day I'll be able to see your website. Until then, don't let what those jerks say get to you :) Much luv.

Oh, no! Just ignore those people, I do! They are negative, lonely people who have nothing better to do than be mean to stangers on the internet!! Would you like me to take down the link from my page? I hope I didn't send any of those bottom feeders to your site!! oh, you are too nice!! I just hit the delete key and move on (or delete them from my guestbook if it is really nasty - little kids come to SM sites too!! =) It is your page and you can do anything you like with it!! were people bothering you about your backgrounds? I can make some bg images for you from the coloring books pictures (like on my site) - or you can, I have a little tutorial up on how to so it yourself, since people who visit often complement me on them. They are really easy to do and quick. if you ever need any help or more moral support, you can email me ^_^
vicki he, he, I like your Noooooo! image ^_^

Very nice page. I wish I had the time to make mine as nice as yours. LOVE Pikachu!! and the Hentin Free signs. Please don't cancel. This is one place to find the truly romantic parts of Anime.


Just came here to show my 14 yr old some anime...enjoyed what we saw and will be back to finish!!!

cool page

Great site! The pics in the fanfics were a wonderful idea--I admire your perseverance. I proablably would have thrown up my hands and given up in disgust. You certainly got the hentai free across! ^-^ Good for you! I always feel a little proud when I see that, god to know people still have good standards. (You know, it strikes me that I sound awfully OLD in this entry, and I'm not even out of school yet. Much me too much homework stress) Keep up the good work. Long life to your site!

This a great site and I hope you don't shut down. Just listen to the positive remarks.

Hi! Real nice site! I Love the pics! I hope they don't close you down. bye!

It's people like these that make the internet a better place! Thank you all! ^_^ Rei-Chan.

Yes! It's Another Sailor Moon Picture Gallery!

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