~*Welcome to SaiLoRMooN HeaVeN!!*~ :o) By clicking on the name of the character will lead you to another menu where you can choose from viewing the gallery, profile, and other good stuff......


::SiGN:: MY GueSTBooK ::VieW::

Hello! :o) Welcome to SaiLoRMooN HeaVeN!! My name is apHroDite and if you have any questions or comments, feel free to email me. In cas you were wondering what is in the few categorized links, here's what you can find in them.... ::Downloadables= animated gifs and music.... ::Join & win= join SaiLoRMooN HeaVeN's top 20, website contest, add your link to my links page, join my web ring, or apply for some awards.... ::other= Take the moonie quiz of knowledge and win an award, episode listings, pets, sailormoon pool, rings I'm in, awards I've won.... ::View me!!+ people who have passed my quiz, won my awards, view my old guestbook, credit and thanks, and my message board.