Hi, email me with your comments and stuff!!! Heilene@hotmail.com 
if you would like to check out my site, here is the url
the usual disclaimer applies!!!


Serena stared at them both with disbelief, and finally sadness.  Serena didn’t even realized that Darien had come 
behind her, and if he didn’t help prop her upright she probably would 
have already fainted. 

"Um, I think that she isn’t feeling to well, i’ll take her home now...." 
Darien said. Quickly pushing Serena to the door, and into the car. On 
the way home, Serena finally burst into tears, letting her feelings go.

"i..I .....can’t be.. believe that he would do that to me!!! 
Waiiiiiii!!! I.. know, he must have missed me so much that he just 
decided to go out with another girl to forget about me!!!"

"Um...Serena, i really don’t think so, those two have been together ever 
since grade school. They’re like *the* couple that have never broken up."

"I........don’t understand!!!!We had such a great time in the summer!!!
He even came close to saying he loved me!!!!"

"You should forget about him, he’s a loser, and you deserve better than 

"I......just wish.......that I could make myself believe that......."

"You need to forget all about him, just get on with your life, you don’t 
need a big jerk like that in your life right?"

"I..guess...so....." Serena replied, finally her sobs coming to end. 
"You know what? Your right, i’m going to forget all about him, forget he 
even existed." Even as she was saying that, she wished she could believe 


The weekend went by like a flash, and the nights for Serena were filled 
with tossing, turning and dreams of her beloved Jeremy, who had betrayed 
her and her love. The following Monday to Serena’s surprise, she found a 
note that fellout of her locker.

I need to see you. What happend on Friday was a mistake. Meet me at the 
park tonight at seven and let me explain.....................

There was no signature, but Serena already knew who had sent it, and no 
matter how much her head was telling her not to go, she decided to 


"Hey Darien, can you tell me where the park is?" Serena asked a little 
before 6:40 pm

"Why do you want to know?"

"Oh, um.......I need to do some research on something there....."

"It’s about four blocks from the school, you can’t miss it. Since it’s 
starting to get dark outside, do you want to take my car?"

"Yah!!!! Thanks!!! I won’t be home for dinner, can you tell Daddy that?"


After touching up with some lip gloss and a few quick brushes of her 
hair, she grabbed her purse, and took off for the park in Darien car.

She glanced at her watch, which told her that 
it was 6:57 pm. She saw some one approach her, and there she saw Jeremy. 

"Hi, Jeremy, so why did you want to see me." Serena said not looking 
directly in his eyes in fear that she would melt and totally give in.

"I just have to explain,..................about Leesie,.....and us......"

"There is nothing to explain, we obviously just had a fling, and you 
*just* cheated on your girlfriend." Serena replied coldly.

"No, I don’t regret anything I did over the summer, and neither should 
you." Jeremy said softly, slowly moving closer to her. Serena made no 
attempt to back away, she didn’t exactly want to.

"Do you love Leesie?" After those words came out, Serena slowly 
regretted saying that, but looked forward to how Jeremy would reply.

"I just don’t know anymore. I thought I was but after meeting you, I’m 
not so sure anymore....." His voice trailing to a whisper. Suddenly, he 
just seemed to reach outfor Serena, abd they kissed passionately. Serena 
didn’t stop him, she didn’t *want* to. Jeremy jusmped away from serena, 
obviously embarrased by his sudden urge.

"I should’nt have done that.....I have to go, my parents and Lessie are 
expecting me."

"So that’s it huh? You just come kiss me, and then you run back to 
Leesie. I’m just the back up woman, huh? Only need me when she’s not 
here. Well let me tell you something mister-i’m-to-perfect-for-anyone 
you haven’t been the only one who’s been cheating!!!!" 

"WHAT?????"He practrically yelled, looking pretty mad. Serena instantly 
regreted that from coming out of her mouth.

"Um......yah, I’ve been seeing him for over a year, I love him alot......"
For a moment there, she almost believed herself!!!!

"What’s his name?" Jeremy demanded, obviously frustrated.

"That’s not really important right now..."  "I’ve got to go, I’ll see you some other time." 
Serena rushed away  before any questions could be asked.  Serena thought as she made her way home...................


I’m sorry that this part is so short, I promise the next one will 
definetely be longer. The next part, you will know the solution to 
Serena’s problems, and a little deception to go with it!!!! Email me for 
questions, comments, and tell me if you hate it or not!!! 
Heilene@hotmail.com if you would like to check out my site, here is the url

    Source: geocities.com/tokyo/shrine/6127

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