Human civilization The need for regulations in the society
Man is not free against regulations
Weak point in the implementation of regulations
The original source of the weakness of laws
The advantage of religion over other laws
Seeking a remedy by others A resume of the history of religions
The religion of Islam
The importance Islam attaches to man's comfort
Comparison of Islam with other religions, other social systems
Affirmation of the Creator Theism and peoples
The effect of this inquisitiveness in man's life
Theism from the viewpoint of Quran
Quran's teachings about the Creator Quran and Tawhid
The Almighty Allah possesses all attributes of perfection
Why doesn't man accept this truth at times?
The power and knowledge of Allah
Justice, Blessing, Other attributes of perfection
The logic in Nubuwwah The difference between man and other creatures
Attributes of prophet, Prophets among people
The incident of monk Buhayra The story of monk Nestorius
Good tidings given by the Jews of Madinah
Quran's reference to prophetic tidings
From Al-Bi'that al-Nabawiyyah to the Hijrah
The general life-style of the Ahl al-Bayt The root cause of the differences of the Imams with contemporary governments
An exceptional point in the policy of the Ahlul-Bayt
The duty of man towards himself Physicaland Mental health
Receiving education and knowledge
The value and importance of a student
The importance of a teacher and an instructor
Paying respect to the learned men
The duties of teachers and students
Two important masterpieces in the teachings of Islam
Abstaining from free thinking and expression of truth
Ijtihad and taqlid
Justice, Individual iustice, Social justice Tyranny and oppression, Sociability
Teasing people and mischievousness
Association with the good people
Companionship with the bad people
The disadvantages of falsehood
Backbiting and libel
Damaging the prestige of people
Self-respect and honesty
Benevolence and helping the needy
Cooperation, Self-sacrifice
Arranging charities and reliefs
Generosity and donation of money
The generalities of jihad The instances of war in Islam
Escaping from jihad and defence
Defending the Islamic domain
Fighting with the internal enemies of the society
Defending the truth, Homicide
Infringing upon the property of orphans
Disappointment for the blessings of Allah
Anger and wrath, Bribery, Theft
Salat, Wajib sSlawat, Prerequisites Taharah, Najis substances, Mutahhirat
Wudu' and its precepts, instructions, Mubtilat
The Ghusl, The Tayammum
The Salat, Time, Dress, Place, Qiblah
Mandatory acts while reciting the salat
The rukns of the salat
Niyyah, Takbirat al-ihram, Qiyam, Ruku', Sujud, Tashahhud, Salam
Salat of a traveller, al-Jama'ah
CH. 3 Introduction
The Prophet and propagation of Sunnat
The terminology Caliph
The written Sunnat
Sunnat alongside the Quran
The whole of Islam
Torelate the Prophets narration becomes prohibited
On the Front of right and truth
CH. 4 The basis for the two school's way of thinking
The Caliph and the Muslims
In the Imamate School
Further Investigation into the First Condition
Hadith al-thaqalayn (Hadith of two precious things)
Narratives of the number of Imams
The interpretation of this Hadith and the perplexity of its Commentators
Now we will Investigate
Narrations in which the Imams name is stipulated
CH. 5 The Guardian after the Prophet
History confirms our opinion
CH. 6 The second factor in Alteration
Lets look into these narratives
Why did they say such things?
The Prophet is unfamiliar with Worldly Affairs
The Prophet forgets Quranic verses
The secret propagation of Hadith
CH. 7 A new policy
Muawiyah's sinister aim
Muawiyah's effort to achieve this aim
Music and Singing according to Islam
Islams viewpoint with regard to Statue
Sitting with strange women
The purpose behind the fabrication of these Hadiths
An Eyewittnessing
The Caliphate is the holiest rank
Uthman on the scales of these narratives
The Prophet in the grip of sorcery
A look at European knowledge of Islam
CH. 8 The first divine revelation according to Caliphate School
An evaluation of these narratives
A study of their documentation
The Holy Quran's categorical judgement
CH. 9 Awaiting the Last Prophet
The second Journey to Syria
The wise man from Iran
The Syrian Jew
The sacrificing scholar
There was also bigotry
Western Islamologists and the narrative of the first revelation
CH. 10 The narrative of the Gharaniq fable in the Caliphate School
CH. 11 A study of Quranic verses
Surah Najm, Surah Haj
The Qurans interpretation of these verse
CH. 12 Surah Bani Israel
An evaluation of the Gharaniq Narrative
The narratives versus the Holy Quran
The transmitter of the Gharaniq fable narratives
Contrast and Contradictions in the texts of the Gharaniq fable narratives
This fable Contents contrast with and are contradictory to the Prophets Natural Disposition
CH. 13 The infallibility of the Prophets
Discovering the truth
The words of Islamologists
A summary of our discussion
Discovering the truth
The enemies of Islam take advantage
CH. 14 The Tidings In the Old and New Testaments
The difference between the two copies
A summary of these two prophets words
The last words of the Lord Jesus
A comparison of Quranic verses with that which was narrated from the testaments
CH. 1 Description of the Holy Prophet in the School of Sunnis
Agreement of Omar With his Lord
The Number of Agreements Rise
Quran Following the Words of Omar
Agreement of Quran with the Caliph's views
Tradition Concerning Virtues
Traditions Undermining the Position of the Holy Prophet
An Impudent Claim
Another Shameless Conjecture
CH. 2 Undermining the Image of the Holy Prophet's Forefathers
Examination of Omar's Agreement
Agreement about the Standing place of Ibrahim
Agreement about the Prophet's wives
Agreement on the sentence: "Blessed be Allah"
Examining Omar's Agreement in the light of Traditions
About the veil of the Prophet(s) Wives
Occasion of Revelation of the verse "veil"
Another Tradition From Ayesha
About Envy amongst the Prophet's Wives
About the Commandment of Prohibition of wine
Tradition on the Shameless claims about Prophet's behaviour
Eating Meat Sacrificed for Idols
CH. 3 The Evil Consequences of such Traditions
Tradition on the Holy Prophet Cursing the Muslims
The Holy Prophet's Confession
Forgetfulness of the Holy Prophet in Performing Prayers
The Holy Prophet and Performing Prayers: A shameless claim
These Traditions Create Special Insight in the Caliphate School
The Reasons Behind Dissemination of such Traditions in the Caliphate School
CH. 4 The Effect of Such Traditions on Muslims
The Worst Effects Left Behind
The Effect and Result of Such Traditions
An Example of Practice of the Muslims With Regards to Omar's Judgement
What did they do to the Holy Prophet's Shrine
Treatment of the People of Medina
CH. 5 The Killing of the Prophet's Household and Taking as Captive His Daughters
On the Path of Obedience to the Caliph
The Second Factor in the Alteration of Islamic Precepts
The Effect of Forsaking the Imams of Ahlul-Bayt
CH. 6 Description of the Holy Prophet (s) in the School of Ahlul-Bayt
His Style of Speaking, His Behaviour at Home, Outside Home
His Conduct and Behaviour in Social Gatherings
CH. 7 Factors which Attributed to the Alteration of Religions
Fabrication of Traditions
Why did they fabricate Traditions?
Official Command for forging Traditions
The Command gains Severity
CH. 8 The Issue of the Third Command
Tradition of Yaum al-Dar
A Contradictor to this Tradition
From the words of Ayesha, Abu Huraira
Tradition of Muslim, A'mash, Tabari and Syuti
CH. 9 Two Reminders
One Corneous lie
What is the Real Story?
Looking into the chain of transmission of the traditions
Examining the Text of the Traditions
The Period when these Traditions were forged
Two other Fabricated Traditions
CH. 10 Producing An Untrue Tradition Concerning Amir al-Mumineen
Assessing the Previous Tradition
CH. 11 Fabrication of Tradition by Samra Ibn Jundab
The Idols Should be Broken
Verses of Tayammum
Race between the Holy Prophet and his wife
Hadith About Tayammum
The Reality of this Matter
CH. 12 The Consequence of Propagating such forgeries in the Islamic Texts
The Period of Forgery of such Traditions
The Consequence of these traditions on the thoughts of those believing in them
Presence of sunni Scholars in the Context of Fabrication of Traditions
Story Tellers
CH. 13 Tamin al-Dari, The Christian Scholar, The Spokesman of the Islamic world
His record before Islam
During the Second Caliph's era
His Peneteration into the Caliphate school
Hadith of 'Jassaseh' And 'Dajjal'
Western Islamicists and the Hadith of 'Jassaseh'
On the Path of Greater Recognition of Tamim Dari
CH. 14 Kab Al-Ahbar, the Jewish Scholar, the Exposition of Quran
The Students of Kab
Kab's Influence While in official Positions
The Guardians of Islam: Opposition to Kab al-Ahbar
Why Kab Al-Ahbar was given attention?
CH. 15 Enumerating the Companions (of the holy Prophet) forged by Seef
Abdullah Ibn Saba And the Sabais
CH. 16 Narrators of Hadith created out of Seef's imagination
CH. 17 The Commanders of the infidel's army
The Poet's made out of Seef's Imagination
The Disciples Fabricated by Seef
CH. 18 An Account of the Lofty Books of the Caliphate school
CH. 19 The Reason behind the dissemination of Seef's lies into the Books of the caliphate school
CH. 20 The condition for referring to the Primary sources of Islam
The Condition for referring to the Holy Quran
CH. 21 A few Traditions forbidding interpretation by personal opinion
Analysing These Exegesis
An other Painful Aspect
CH. 22 Concealment of the Holy Prophet's Hadith and Seerah
In Explanation of the Second Medium
The Gharaniq Fable
In Explanation of the third Medium
CH. 23 The issue of the third command
A few examples of such Traditions
Traditions about Ayesha's Virtues
The destructive Activities of the infiltrating agents in the traditions
Another dangerous infiltrating Agent