(Sweet PerfExtion)

  • NAME: Amy Kuo (all six letters baby!!!)))
  • NICKNAMES: Meme...Sweet PerfExtion..Aznbabyai...Dorkie
  • BIRTHPLACE: Chi-Town...(Chicago for those of you who don't know)
  • NATIONALITY: Taiwanese/Chinese/Filipino/Hawaiian
  • HEIGHT: 5'5"
  • WEIGHT: 113 lbs
  • HAIR COLOR: VERY black...(it's alllllll natural)
  • HAIR STYLE: long n' layered...i'm growing it out in layers
  • EYE COLOR: brown
  • PIERCINGS: I have my right ear cartilage pierced along with a single hole in each ear. Imma get two more in each ear after the cartilage heals.
  • PARENTS: errr..I have both =)
  • SIBLINGS: a litle sister named Alice
  • LOCATION: Livin it up here in lil' ol' Livermore, representin that 925 isht....NorCal...Bay Area....blah blah blah
  • HIGH SCHOOL: Granada HS...CLASS OF 2000!!!!!!!
  • OCCUPATION: I'm a full time student, part-time model for ASIANSCENE....and I promote for whatever needs to be done =P
  • BEST BUDS: TINA....KIMMY......RANDY....BRIAN from Nhanced Motorsports.....ROB VITARI, who like to grow gardens hehehehehehe P.....All my kuyas who watch out for me .....My girls that have always been forever down with me (NOY, DAO, THEE, RIAAN, PRINCESS, the 80 FLY CREW and of course the pretty MISS LALA).....basically everybody that has always held a special place in my heart...there's just toooooooomany to name =)
  • PETS & THEIR NAMES: two hamsters (been deceased for the past 9 years =()
  • JOBS: Being the sweet adorable person that I am hwhwhwhwhwhwhw j/k =P.....well I try =P.....I'm just your typical teen livin at home , mooching off my parents until they get tired of me and decide to me out. hehehehehehehe.....I model/promote for ASIANSCENE and I have a cute lil bage that says I promote for New Visions Productions (whenever my kuya Alvin and his crew TopNotch GenX starts up. Imma help him out cuz he's always been soooo supportive of me..I luv ya kuya!!!)
  • HOBBIES: Being a supersweet princess hahahaha....well I try =P...I like shopping, dancing (i'm trying to learn how to dance afro peruvian), singing, sleeping (although lately I've had too much), I like just sittin on the couch with my popcorn and reading a good book and listening to my slow jams =)....I like writing in my journal =)
  • THINGS I COLLECT: BOYS!!!!!! hehehehehehe j/k =P.......I collect pictures, memories, oooooandI collect those cute little butterfly clips that I wear in my hair =)
  • IMPORTANT LESSON THAT I LEARNED: "It hurts when something good ends, but it hurts even more when you cling to it, knowing that it's no longer there." that phrase says it all)
  • WORDS AND PHRASES THAT I OVER USE: "OOOOOOO that's allllll bad"........."hella".......that's yucky"

    ****I'll be adding in a whole lot more info about Amy in the near future so keep cheking back =)****

