Ron Mo Mo

Ron Mo Mo is the mean nasty old lady that makes Swallow and Zi Wei's life in the palace a living hell (especially Zi Wei's)! She is the Empress's servant, and she is constantly giving the Empress ideas on how to make Swallow and Zi Wei's life miserable. I think that the Empress is not going to be half as bad without Ron Mo Mo. Ron Mo Mo is the one who comes up with the ideas and the Empress carries it out. Even though she is a servant, the Empress really listen and even look up to Ron Mo Mo. Since the Emperor practically ignores the Empress, Ron Mo Mo is the only person in the palace that the Empress can talk to. I really don't know why Ron Mo Mo dislikes Swallow and Zi Wei so much. They never did anything to her or the Empress. Oh Wait! I know why Ron Mo Mo dislikes Swallow! It is because Swallow slapped Ron Mo Mo across the face once and Ron Mo Mo has never been slapped before (since she is the Empress's servant, she is pretty high up in the servant status). Ron Mo Mo and the Empress did some pretty bad things to Swallow and Zi Wei in both Huan Zhu Ge Ge I and II. At the end of Huan Zhu Ge Ge I it looked like the Empress and Ron Mo Mo changed their attitudes towards Swallow and Zi Wei but in Huan Zhu Ge Ge II they became worse! When will they learn that evil can not over take good? I wonder what they will be like in Huan Zhu Ge Ge III! I guess we all have to wait for Chiung Yao's imagination!


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