Usagi and Seiya's Ring of Love

Usagi Seiya Usagi Seiya Usagi Seiya Usagi Seiya Usagi Seiya

This ring was created in dedication for the perfect couple that never got the chance to develop a relationship: Usagi Tsukino and Seiya Kou. Don't you think they make a GREAT couple? If you do think they make a great couple, then join the ring!!!!

Here are the Rules and Requirements for the ring:

2 - Your Homepage must be about Sailor Moon.
3 - No hentai anime images are allowed to be on your homepage.
4 - You MUST include the *ENTIRE* HTML Code on your homepage.
The HTML code is to be remained unmodified and uncut, unless specified (ie: the only things that should change in the code is the Site Id, your name, and your email address.)
5 - The code should be placed in on the URL that you have registered.

Interested in joining? Here's how you do it:

1 - Fill out the form below with your URL, E-Mail Address, and a password. The password will be used in the future for editing your site information and adding someone else to the queue or ring.
2 - After you submit the form, you will be automatically placed in the ring queue.
3 - After you are added to the queue, please E-Mail a member and ask them to add you to the ring. If your page meets the requirements and is approved by the member, he/she will add you to the ring. I am available if anyone wants me to review their page, however, the wait may be long if many people ask me.
4 - Upon Entering Usagi and Seiya's Ring of Love as a full fledged member, you MUST add the HTML Code and ring image(s)! This is essential for the ring to function properly!
5 - Decide on how many Ring Graphics you wish to put on your page (Single/Double) and choose the correct HTML Code and Graphics to put on your page.

Usagi Seiya Usagi Seiya Usagi Seiya Usagi Seiya Usagi Seiya

Fill in this form to add yourself to the Queue:

Site URL:
Site Title:
E-Mail Address:

Usagi Seiya Usagi Seiya Usagi Seiya Usagi Seiya Usagi Seiya

Questions? Problems? Complaints?
Please Email me @!
Thank you for visiting Usagi & Seiya's Ring of Love Homepage!
Please sign my guestbook before you leave!!
or you can View my guestbook if you want.

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Usagi Seiya Usagi Seiya Usagi Seiya Usagi Seiya Usagi Seiya

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