Here are the Rules and Requirements for the ring:
2 - Your Homepage must be about Sailor Moon.
3 - No hentai anime images are allowed to be on your homepage.
4 - You MUST include the *ENTIRE* HTML Code on your homepage.
The HTML code is to be remained unmodified and uncut, unless specified
(ie: the only things that should change in the code is the Site Id, your name, and your email address.)
5 - The code should be placed in on the URL that you have registered.
1 - Fill out the form below with your URL, E-Mail Address, and a password. The password will be used in the future for editing your site information and adding someone else to the queue or ring.
2 - After you submit the form, you will be automatically placed in the ring queue.
3 - After you are added to the queue, please E-Mail a member and ask them to add you to the ring. If your page meets the requirements and is approved by the member, he/she will add you to the
ring. I am available if anyone wants me to review their page,
however, the wait may be long if many people ask me.
4 - Upon Entering Usagi and Seiya's Ring of Love as a full fledged member, you MUST add the HTML Code and ring image(s)! This is essential for the ring to function properly!
5 - Decide on how many Ring Graphics you wish to put on your page (Single/Double) and choose the correct HTML Code and Graphics to put on your page.