An Annotated Journey Through the Demise of Prince Sincline

This section will allow you to view the demise of Prince Sincline. These are scenes you will never see in Voltron because they appeared only in the series Voltron was "translated" from, Golion.

Just click on the thumbnails to see a larger version

Here we have Prince Sincline getting darts in his eyes from the robot that the Space Mice pilot.

Here we have Sven's brother shoving a blade into Sincline's side....

A close-up of the blade in Sincline's side....not much blood for a wound like that, eh?

Sincline and Sven's brother start to fall off the cliff....

Another shot of the hero and villain falling to their doom....

Mourn! The death of Prince Sincline...Prince Lotor...A wicked villain, but one heck of a sword-fighter. Knowing what you know...are you sad he is dead?

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