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Because of the numerous inquiry emails I have received since the opening of Free
Stuff Online, I've decided to compile some of the most frequently asked question
into this help page so you can find the answer to your question more quickly. For
each section, you will first see the question, marked with a "Q", and the
answer, marked with an "A". If you would like to see further help implanted
into this page, feel free to give me suggestions.
Q: Where exactly do you search for free stuff links? I want to go explore
on my own.
A: I have been collecting free stuff links from all over the internet, ranging
from search engines to usenet newsgroups. If you don't get what you need, try searching
the web using keywords such as "free" and "stuff"; you should
get lots of matches.
Q: How can I tell which free stuff links are new and which aren't?
A: After I build the what's new section of this site, you'll be able to go
there and see a complete listing of newly added links. Until then, you will have
to look at the link color; a bright red link means that you haven't visited it yet
and a vermilion color means that the site was already visited recently.
Q: Why are some free stuff links out of order?
A: Because I haven't extensively tested all the links yet, some of the free
stuff offers might have already expired. If that is the case, the links will probably
not work anymore. In the near future when I complete my scavenger hunt for broken
links, you should not experience this problem anymore. Until then, please bear with
Q: Why does some company require that I pay a fee for the free gift?
A: Although many companies claim that they are offering free stuffs, they
may actually charge a nominal fee to cover the postage cost. In this scenario, you
will need to make the decision whether the free gift is worth your spending money
on the shipping cost. If you feel that it is unfair, then by all means send a protest
email to the company.
Q: What does the winning requirement mean?
A: The winning requirement column is used to inform you of any restrictions
the company might have set on the free stuff offering. For example, if it says U.S.
citizens only, the free gift can only be ordered from America. If you try to order
overseas, for example, you will only be wasting your precious internet connection
Q: I want to advertise on this site; who should I contact?
A: If you want to do a banner advertisement on this site, please contact
me as soon as possible to reserve your space in the banner rotation program.
I will reply you a letter with specific information on pricing and how the impressions
are tracked.
Q: Why is it that updates are rolled out so slow sometimes?
A: Because I'm currently a high school junior, this year has been extremely
busy for me. I have to study for the SAT I, SAT II subject tests, and other exams.
I try to devote the time remaining to managing this site, so sometimes when I'm too
tired, I don't update.
Free Stuff Online wouldn't have been possible without all the helpful comments and
critiques. Do you have a thought in mind right now about this website that you would
like to share with us? We are looking for information pertaining to the structure
of this site, ease of navigation, quality of pictures, speed, and anything else you
feel necessary. If you do submit an email to
us, please include your full name so we can thank you personally. Free Stuff Online
wants to initiate a small sweepstake in the near future, and your input on what types
of small items you like will help the decision. We also need new free stuff offer
or link to your personal free stuff website. If you have information on either one
of those, please email us.