Hi there.

I'm not dead.

...*ducks knives*

No, really, I'm alive.

If you're new here and have no idea what I'm on about, let's just say I took a very long time (count in years) in updating this page.

If you're someone who's been coming here for months or years and have been wondering where I've gone, here is a letter which, I hope, will explain what happened.  It's a bit long, you don't have to read it if you don't want to, but I thought some people might want to know.

If you're short on time, here's the cliff notes regarding my absence:
1. Not dead.
2. Was ill for quite a while

3. College devoured my time
4. Had this brilliantly stupid idea that I wasn't made to be an artist (thankfully, that lasted about a year or two but..augh.)
5. Am now a full time artist
6.... and perhaps you'll be happy to know that I
    a) Can still draw XD
    b) Will be updating this site every once in a while. And yes, there is a new Vejiita picture in the vault. :D

One more thing: my old email no longer works, so please don't try and send me anything via email for now. Feel free to use the new guestbook instead to leave threats, rants and perhaps, one hopes, the occasional hey-good-to-see-you-again message. I will read them all, as I've started reading everything in the old one.

I can also be found at my professional art site:

...which, as its name indicates, clearly states that my fondness for purple has in no way diminished over the years.

Page last updated on: 10/12/06


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Counter visitors since September 2008. The previous counter died at around 200,000 something, IDEK anymore.




Ooookay. New!Guestbook is apparently eating people's messages. Well, no. It just has a ridiculous 250-something character limit for comments. Still. Bad guestbook. No cookie for you. Let us try with a Newest!Guestbook, and hope that third time's a charm.

[Sign my Newest!Guestbook] [View my Newest!Guestbook]
Powered by E-Guestbooks Server.

New guestbook!

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Dear crap, thank you to all the brave souls who have been signing the old guestbook. I'm keeping it here for posterity.

 Sign My GuestbookView My Guestbook

Virtual Insanity -- Jamiroquai
(The title says it all ^^)



          Dragonbball and all its related characters belong to Mr Akira Toriyama, Bird Studio, Toei Animation, FUNimation, and whoever else has gotten their share of licensing rights on the series. I have not. But then, I'm not making any profit out of this site or artwork. So please don't sue me.